I’m an Inspirational Blogger? If you say so


I was nominated a little while back for the Inspirational Blogger Award by Heather. Thank you. I’ve been nominated for a million awards by a number of bloggers, but I don’t always accept because who wants to read posts with random facts about myself and no real book stuff? I don’t even want to write those kinds of posts. But I’ll accept this one because it only requires seven random facts and I won’t be nominating anyone else because my favorite blogs don’t change and I’ve already nominated several of them just a short time ago.

Seven Facts

1. I hate people who talk with their mouth full. You’re probably thinking that everyone does. No. DO NOT do it in front of me. I will yell at you to shut the hell up. Not joking at all. Annoying and disrespectful all at once. Get out of my sight.

2. I’m always hungry. From the moment I wake up until I’m falling asleep. Whenever old people tell me that their teenage son or daughter eats a lot, this is me in my head, “You have no idea what it means for someone to eat a lot. I bet I eat double what they do.” Remember, bodybuilder over here.

3. I appear to be collecting a stash of Smoothie King cups at my desk. There are six cups here. Yikes. I get a smoothie everyday after the gym.

4. I love naps. I even have a fairly specific nap schedule.

5. I have no friends. Okay, just a small few. I’m perfectly fine with that because I don’t want to hear about anyone else’s problems, anyway. I do rather enjoy talking to some people. Some.

6. I was almost kind of popular when I was in fifth grade. First, I’d finally made it into the GT class, which was where all the popular kids were. Not kidding. And second, because there was this fitness test that I can’t remember what it was called…maybe Presidential Fitness Test, it was something. There was a White badge, a Red badge, and a Blue badge. Students’ fitness was tested in gym class via a number of predetermined exercises like push-ups or pull ups. Well, in my fifth grade year I was the only person with a shot at the Blue badge. I think it had to do with your height and weight or maybe your birthday? I honestly don’t remember, but I was the only one. I’d done everything I needed to get it until I got to having to run the mile. This was the most sure thing out of everything for me, I loved running back then. I needed maybe an 8:10 or 8:30. 0r it may have been just below 8:00. BUT when my class went out to run it, I had some breathing trouble and couldn’t possibly come up with the time needed for the Blue badge. Some amount of time later, my gym teacher had me do it again before school at like 7:00 in the morning. I ran a 7:13 mile and earned myself the coveted Blue badge. But there’s more. A list was kept in the gym of the best mile times in the history of the school and I’d made the list! Something like tenth or so. I left the school before I could ever actually see my name on there, but it was great knowing I’d made it. AND somehow or another when I went to my first class that day, EVERYONE knew about my mile running. I felt like a celebrity. It was nice.

7. I’ve had six best friends in my life. I’ll even name them for you. Larry. Terrance. Leslie. Lana. Lilly. Sydney. I no longer talk to any of them. Except Sydney, who of course is in my book. So I guess that means she’s my favorite? Yeah, I’d say that. She’s also the only one I trust. And she’s funny. And holy crap she’s about to be a nurse!

No nominations this time around, so that’s all I have for you guys!

50 thoughts on “I’m an Inspirational Blogger? If you say so

  1. Interesting stuff. I also hate when people talk with mouths full. I have no friends(except My Michael) but there are people out there who consider me, their friend.
    I don’t do the awards anymore but I may go and answer the questions as I was nominated for one of them.
    Thanks for the read and getting to know you a little better.
    I am a procrastinator and have yet to finish your book. I’ll let you know when I do.


    • I get nominated almost every week. It’s nice but I kinda feel bad since I’ve only accepted maybe three out of like 15 times. Eh.

      Hm. If you’ve stopped reading, then just stop. You probably hate it. Haha


      • No, I didn’t hate it. I normally have atleast 10 books open in my kindle at one time. Right now I have one I must finish as it is a borrowed book and I have 21 days.
        Don’t feel bad about not accepting the nominations as most people never look back to see if you accepted or not.


  2. You get a smoothie every day? I’m so jealous! Send me some.
    We’ve already discussed the napping thing, so I won’t go there.
    I’ve never run less than a 9 minute mile in my life, and I had to give up running because of my knee problems. So you’re a celebrity in my book, too.

    Congrats, by the way!


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