Ever Watch Book Trailers?


Photo Credit: The Fat Pixel

I don’t. But companies offer this service to take even more of your money. I can name on one hand how many authors I know who you use these. James Patterson. Michael Connelly. David Baldacci. The only reason I know of Baldacci is because I spend a lot of time on YouTube and happened to catch the trailer for his newest release before the start of a video I was watching.

That’s a pretty short list of authors, right? Even though the companies or people who make these claim that they will help hype your book and get people buying. Uh no. Come on. Even if you have a very well done book trailer, you can’t really believe that. Book trailers are always so dull. A monotone voice (assuming you have someone speaking) that gives the watcher only the slightest bit of information about the book. You can most definitely get more information by reading the reviews and/or synopsis. So why do authors use them? I have no earthly idea. But there are a lot of things people will do that they believe will help their book become the next self-published bestseller.

They’ll have a press release written up. Even though no one really cares that they’re releasing their book. They’ll have bookmarks made. Even though they can’t plan a signing or event anywhere. They’ll send out ARCs to major publications seeking a review. Even though it won’t be happening. They’ll do anything in an effort to get their book in front of some readers…like have a book trailer made. For the 18 people who are going to buy the book. Great thinking there.

Two questions this time around. Ever watched a book trailer? Ever had one made for your own book? Don’t worry, I’m not going to laugh at you if you admit to having one made.

I just watched a few on YouTube and they were basically all the same and not intriguing at all. Ugh.

16 thoughts on “Ever Watch Book Trailers?

  1. I only recently discovered there are such things as book trailers and did watch a few, which patterned themselves after movie trailers. My book is out there now, so I can understand the impulse, but at some point I think you have to let it go and move on with your writing. Or not.


    • I like the “or not” part of that. Cause now I’m thinking of authors who finish a book and then start sharing their book trailer all over social media for months after. So much for moving on.


  2. A few years ago, at the beginning of the E-book revolution that was going to shut down the Big Six (belly laugh) book trailers were very popular, mainly because they were new and not many had seen them. But, as with all things and as John says, when you’ve seen one, you’ve pretty much seen them all. So what’s happened is they have become cliche.

    I’d imagine most who read this blog have figured out by now that marketing books is not easy. From what I’ve seen offered by those who say they’ll do it for you is that they make money and you don’t. There’s no easy way to get this done. But if you want to give your money to someone, I’ll give you my address.

    Most marketing schemes you read about or those that magically appear in your spam email are just that–schemes. Don’t fall for them.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I have watched a few and hated them. One of the series that I read has one for every book. At first I was intrigued, but after watching a few of them I was a little irritated. They were using actors to reveal the characters and I hate when an author tells you who their character looks like. It ruins the imagination.


  4. I’ve watched some that weren’t too bad. Dekker has done a few that were okay but I watched them after I’d already read the books so it didn’t matter.

    What I really hate is when fans make their own book trailers, casting themselves and their friends as the characters.


  5. I can understand if there’s a trailer for a comic, or at least and illustrated book. There are lots of visuals to work with. I don’t see how one would work for a novel that capitalises only on a cover image.
    That being said, it was fun to watch on Castle how the lead character tried to make a trailer for his new book.


  6. Book Trailers are really popular and successful for the Young Reader/Young Adult genre. They started becoming a thing when I was 16-17, and I watch them all the time. I love book trailers! Haha.

    As the internet grows larger and larger authors are becoming more established on social media because it gives them a platform to more directly interact with their readers. I know that this is particularly true of YA authors who you’ll find on instagram, facebook, twitter and tumblr. Look at how John Green interacts with his readers–it’s a totally different platform. I think that, depending on your intended audience, they actually can be worth it.

    Teenagers love the internet. YouTube is one of the most visited websites. I think it makes a great deal of sense for that market, adult books? Eh. Not so much.


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