November is Over

No, this isn’t my monthly recap post. It’s a little different. November being over also signifies the end of NaNo. Finally.

Now most of the people who rave about the “community” will see how they’ve got it all wrong. Sure some might stay interested in your project, but it likely won’t be too many. Because why would they? They’re going to self-publish soon. Or continue working on their own project. Or they won’t be “writing” much more for the time being. So why would they stay interested in your project when it’s no longer cool? They won’t.

And so many of the NaNo participants will finally shut up about how great NaNo is until Camp NaNo in whichever month. Thank goodness.

14 thoughts on “November is Over

  1. It is funny, how you loathe it so much! I’m ambivalent, myself. I think it’s great if it encourages people to write, just as long as they realise they shouldn’t self pub that first draft, that they need to re-write, probably again and again. It’s a jumping off point, not an ending.


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