2016 Reading Challenge Book #1: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I told ya’ll that I’d gotten my first book of the year out of the way, and now here’s my proof! My first video of 2016 on Johnny Reads. Now watch before reading further.

Did you watch? Okay. Now I want to mention two things I didn’t mention in the video. One of the reasons I enjoyed the book as much as I did is because it got me thinking about my own life and experiences I’ve had. I particularly liked the relationship between Bill and Charlie. I had someone similar, though it wasn’t quite as personal as their relationship. But the professor I’m referring to told me during my first semester of college that I should think about pursuing writing further. I took four classes he taught during my three years of undergrad, and he was always so encouraging.

And during Charlie’s sister’s graduation it got me thinking about how I’ll feel when my brother earns his degree. He’s currently studying petroleum engineering. It really won’t matter which company he ultimately comes out working for or how much money he’s paid, but I’ll be so proud once he’s finished. So I enjoyed the reaction of Charlie and his family during and after his sister delivered her speech during her graduation ceremony.

This book is easily one of the best I’ve read, and a great start to my 2016 Reading Challenge.

Have you read it? What did you think?

The next book I’ll be reading for the challenge isย The Thomas Berryman Number by James Patterson.

PS: I mistakenly uploaded my graphic with only 19 books listed on the challenge. The picture is now updated on my 2016 Reading Challenge page and post. I don’t expect y’all to go back and start sharing the new graphic, but I just wanted to bring it to your attention. The bullet that was left off the old list was “A book set in your hometown/favorite city”.


18 thoughts on “2016 Reading Challenge Book #1: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

  1. Just to prevent getting spoilers, I didn’t watch your video (please forgive me), but just because I’m itching to read this one as well. Glad you enjoyed it so much. Sounds like a good promise for when I pick it up!


  2. This book changed my life. It’s all just so real and honest; there isn’t any fancy plot holes to make the characters or the story seems more glamorous. And the way Charlie talks and thinks, particularly towards the pointy end of things, I think we can all relate to; it’s a perfect snapshot of that little, doubting voice in the back of everyone’s head. Chbosky is a genius.


  3. I’ve read this book but it was when I was like, 14, or something, and I did not understand a thing. I watched your video, and I’ll read again!
    also, I loved the last challenge, A Book Set in your hometown/fave city!
    I can’t find that many books that I like set in Bengaluru. So that’ll be one helluva challenge.


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