Publishing Infomercials?

I’ve never been one to sleep at what most might call a “normal” hour, which means if my TV is on there’s a good chance the late night infomercials are trying to sell me something. Honestly, I’ve not once bought anything after watching an infomercial. The prices are rarely reasonable in my eyes.

But last night I had my TV on and caught a glimpse of a publishing infomercial. Are those a thing now? I can’t even tell you what they were selling, though it was likely some kind of book or kit that’s supposed to give you all the self publishing secrets to success. Other infomercials are pushing a product, but I can’t imagine this self publishing whatever it was having anything of worth. It seems to me that someone is trying to capitalize on the mindset I’ve encountered so many times from those considering self publishing. Releasing something as soon as possible in order to make money as soon as possible. The TV product most definitely attacked the latter of the two.

First, have you ever bought anything after watching an infomercial? Second, would you buy a guide to self publishing after seeing it on an infomercial even though there are plenty of extensively researched guides available at your local bookstore or online?

9 thoughts on “Publishing Infomercials?

  1. Yup, I’ve heard of XLibris and a bunch of those other scams. They make you pay a bunch of money and they do produce your book, but you still might not sell two copies. You’re much better off doing the work yourself.


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