A Series of Unfortunate Events

I have a bit of a special relationship with this series. In elementary school my art teacher would play the audiobooks while we worked. I believe it’s also how I was first introduced to Harry Potter.

I’ve never read the books. I definitely don’t remember any of the stories from 13-15 years ago. The one thing that has stuck with me is that I know I enjoyed listening to the stories.

Now Netflix has adapted the first couple of books in season 1 of its new series. It may be time to read the first few books and watch the series. I mean, a trip down memory lane never hurt anyone.

What’s your experience with this series?

Trailer for Netflix’s “Unfortunate” Released

Last year Netflix announced that it would be adapting Lemony Snicket’s bestselling series. After months of silence there’s finally a trailer. Watch.

In just a couple of days the trailer has already garnered nearly two million views. Suffice it to say that people are excited about the upcoming series they’ve heard almost nothing about.

Except the trailer is NOT official. It’s fan made. Netflix has said they had nothing to do with it. Which leads me to believe that we’re still not close to the first season being released on Netflix. But maybe now Netflix will get a little pep in their step after seeing the reaction from this unofficial trailer.

I’ll admit that I watched it the day it came out and I have no interest in the series whatsoever. I’ve never read the books and I didn’t even watch the movie adaptation from about a decade ago. It popped up on Facebook or Twitter, I think.

Are you excited for the series based on Lemony Snicket’s bestselling books? I’m indifferent. But I think I did happen to listen to them in elementary school art class. I think. Also, I’m not sure that “Unfortunate” is the official name of the series.

On this day in 2014 I published A Recommendation!.