On Throwing Books

I’ve decided to hold off on posting my Saturday Selects post until next Saturday.

This is a question I’ve often wondered of other readers. Have you ever found yourself throwing a book across the room? Perhaps one might do this upon finishing a book and finding the ending unsatisfactory. One might do this upon reading a book that is just terrible. One might do this because they hate books. Or one might do this in the heat of an argument. It could be anything.

I’ve never found myself flinging a book across the room. I’ve read some bad books. I’ve been unsatisfied by book endings. Heck, I’ve been in my share of heated arguments. But I just can’t see myself throwing a book. Wait, I might if a cockroach made its way under my door and came on the attack. Then I’d do anything. Ha! *insert blushing emoji*

But really, it just seems a little crazy to be doing something like that. Or maybe I’m the crazy one.

Have you ever found yourself throwing a book for any reason?

On this day in 2014 I published Saturday Selects: The perfection we all know as Jennifer Lawrence. This is still one of my favorite posts I’ve written on this blog.

PS: I think I’ll be sharing my guest posts all this week. Stay tuned.


Stop Smelling Your Books


Photo Credit: We Know Memes


This blog is coming up on 12,000 comments, and you would not believe how many people have said something about the smell of a new book. I’m pretty sure each and every time I’ve read that in a comment I’ve rolled my eyes and proceeded to scream loudly on the inside.

I mean, new cars have a nice smell. New shoes have a nice smell. Heck, a pile of clothes out of the dryer has a nice scent, but books? I’ve never once smelled a new book. And I’ve never even thought to do so. I guess I missed the memo that told everyone how great paper and ink smell.

I’m writing this imagining all of you walking through Barnes and Noble or your local bookstore just picking random books off the shelves and smelling them. And repeating this over and over until….I don’t even know. Until you catch someone looking at you like you should be institutionalized? Seriously, there might be something wrong with you if you’re smelling your books so much.

Oh! I know! You’re actually in the drug trade and you’ve laced the pages of your books with some illegal substance and you sniff them to get your high. Glad I finally figured it out.