Are Bookmarks Dead?

ImagePhoto Credit: Pixopa

Bookmarks. No, I’m not talking about that little tab at the top of your browser that saves your favorite websites for easy navigation. I’m talking those things that we used to put on the insides of our books to save our page.

I’ve never been a huge fan of bookmarks. But I always liked looking at all the cool designs at my elementary school book fairs. And at Barnes and Noble on that little twisty thing. You could always find one that caught your interest that you just had to buy. Give me a bookmark with Katniss on it! Matter of fact, give me all of the bookmarks with Katniss on them! Or Hermione. But really, I probably wouldn’t even use those. One of my older brothers gave me some really fancy bookmarks for Christmas in 2012? And I never even removed them from the packaging. Don’t worry, he doesn’t read this.

And with the advent of e-readers, bookmarks have become even more obsolete than ever before. Your Kindle or Nook or iPad stop exactly where you stop reading. Or you can just use the page numbers as your reference, but you’re never putting your e-reader away with a bookmark sticking out of the top. I mean, that would look a little funny if you did.

I keep my page by remembering where I leave off. For instance, I read in 50 page increments. I’ll never stop a chapter short of the 45th page of reading, so it’s fairly easy for me to keep my place without using a snazzy little bookmark. And I NEVER dog ear my pages. If you do that then I’m punching you in the face. Right now. That’s just cruel and one of the reasons why I’ve never once lent out one of my books to anyone. If I got it back like that I’d be forcing them to get me a new one.

So tell me, do you still use bookmarks, or do you have another way of keeping your page in the book you’re reading? I’m not asking you e-book freaks.