
We experience a lot of firsts throughout our lives. First day of school. First day living on your own. First child. First time on a plane. First trip to Disney World. First house. The list could go on forever.

Today I get to experience my third first day working for a new company. I imagine it’ll go exactly how I expect. The company has a great atmosphere and the people I’ve met have been great. So, here’s to something new!

*raises metaphorical glass*

What’s your most memorable first? I remember a few of my own if you’re interested!

Day 1 at Half Price Books is Done!

Yesterday was my first day working at Half Price Books. Let me tell you about it.

First off, I’m pretty sure my store has ALL THE BOOKS. They’re everywhere. I’m not talking about on the shelves for people to buy. I’m talking about everywhere else! It’s kinda crazy and cool at the same time. And I never realized how much easier it is to find a particular book when you’re just shopping on your own than it is when you’ve got a dozen more to put on the shelf. Everyone there is a pro! Seriously. I felt like the rookie my whole shift.

Mostly I got to shelve some paperbacks and play around just a teeny bit on the computer. And I had a handful of customers ask me where to find items. I tried my best to help them, but I’m still learning the store and had to hand off a couple. I also realized that the store sells plenty of movies, music, and games that I hadn’t previously known about. Y’all know I love me some country music, TV, and books. This is the perfect place for me to be working.

The best part is that I had to ask the other workers a lot of questions and they were always eager to help. That probably doesn’t sound like much, but it’s not something everyone gets to have. Unfortunately, I don’t think I remembered all the names I learned today. But I’ll learn them. Hopefully.

And look at what I got today! So nice and shiny!
IMG_20150812_123228Tell me about your most recent first day on the job. Unless it was horrible, then make something up you writer, you.