Saturday Selects: Blogging amidst your social media


For all you newcomers to my wonderful blog, the first Saturday of each month I write a post about something unrelated to my typical book posts. It’s my way of discussing other topics that interest me and bringing a LITTLE bit of diversity to the blog. This week we’re talking about how blogging relates to your other social media accounts. I’ve had this post in my head since the last time I did a Saturday Selects post over a month ago. Let’s begin.

I definitely don’t have the greatest social media presence. I’m on Twitter, Facebook, and WordPress. That’s it. No Pinterest. Or Tumblr. Or Instagram. Or Snapchat. Or Vine.


I first joined Facebook all the way back during my sophomore year of high school. That would be ’07-’08. Ish. I thought it was pretty cool. I started adding all those people I had been in school with for years. I even interacted with plenty of them. BUT then, like seemingly everyone else, I just lost interest. I mean, the platform itself is essentially the same as it’s been, but now there are so many other options out there. My blog is linked to it and I post a status about once a year. Seriously, I checked. I mostly go on there for Vines and memes. Judge me. But I should also admit that I do not talk to a single person from my high school graduating class. Not one. That was just four years ago. So maybe that’s why I lost interest. I don’t have anyone to talk to.


I first made an account on Twitter in 2009. The site was used, but it wasn’t what it is today. I didn’t know a single person who had an account. I didn’t use it again until 2011. By then it was wildly popular and EVERYONE I knew had an account. I think I tweeted like 90 times or something and again stopped using it. Then I started writing and knew it would help people find me IF they somehow read my book and wanted to follow me. I’ve stuck to it since about September. I used to strictly tweet about writing and books but now I tweet pretty lame stuff just like everyone else. I like it. It’s okay. BUT I still don’t have many followers. Like 58 or something. If you follow me on here and like what I post then you should follow me on there to get a glimpse at me in a different medium. Come on. I’ll follow back and if you tweet interesting things I’ll even favorite or tweet you back! I have that Twitter thing on the side for ease of access. But you can just go ahead and click here if you want to. You should. I’m funny on there.


I don’t remember ever hearing about any person I knew ever maintaining a blog throughout high school or even during college. Well, as soon as I walked across the stage at my university’s graduation ceremony almost a year ago I started this bad boy. My original intent was to only talk about my writing process and the journey to publishing my first book. I stuck with that until January of this year. When I realized that there were so many things I wanted to say about writing and books and publishing. That’s how I’ve gotten to interact with all of you! I honestly don’t see how I’ll ever stop blogging. It’s wonderful. It’s like interacting with hundreds of versions of me. We all love books!

My Favorite

I’d think it fairly obvious by this point that blogging is easily my favorite social media platform. Honestly, I love it. I love interacting with people who share the same interests as I do. I love reading such great posts every single day. I love having people read the posts I write. I love talking to people from all over the world. But most of all I love being able to share a part of me that I don’t get to discuss much in person with people I know. I do have a handful of people who are genuinely interested in my writing, but it’s not the same as the people I meet on here. I mean, I’m not going to go up to any friend of mine and ask how they name characters in their book. I have no writer friends. I can’t ask them what they think of the bestselling authors since 2001 because they don’t care and likely don’t know half of them. I can’t ask them what their favorite series of books is because they’ve likely read Harry Potter and nothing else. And I can’t ask them what they think of Amazon’s 100 books list because they don’t know it exists. But I can do ALL of those on here.

Thank you for that. And thank you for reading and interacting with me every week.

You’re awesome.

What’s your favorite social media site to use? I don’t mind if it’s one of those sites I don’t use.

Photo Credits: Florida State University College of Communication and Information

