Guest Post: Is gifting books classy or pompous?

Everyone lives in their own little world of social norms. Upon realizing this fact, I’ve enjoyed questioning many of my life choices. Who doesn’t enjoy a strong shot of self-reflection? It’s led to a few realizations of hypocrisy. For example, I’m mostly a pacifist except when it comes to spiders. Spiders should be smitten from the earth. With fire and lightning. Maybe firey lighting. Anyway, I digress. What I wanted to talk to the internet about is that I love gifting books, but don’t enjoy when people give me books. Is that craziness?

Probably. Let me explain my feelings. Then please, pretty please, give me your opinions.

Reasons to Gift Books

I frequently read a book and feel like it’s perfect for someone. I also frequently never know what to buy people on occasions when I’m supposed to give them presents. Thus I give books. I’m either lazy or efficient. My buying them the book and telling them to read it is nicer than alternative ways of making people read books. At least I don’t throw the books through their window, break into their rooms and write the book on their walls, or make them buy the book themselves. Most of my family members receive books for all major holidays. I get to make people read a book, usually one I enjoyed, and support book stores. Also authors. Win-win for me.

Giving a book can be extremely personalized. I hunt for the perfect book. The shopping is a thoughtful process. I don’t just buy everyone Harry Potter even though everyone in the world should read Harry Potter. No. I get deep into genres. I find out who enjoys mysteries with a scientific concentration and fast-pacing and a strong female lead. Time for a Bones novel. I try to personalize the gift as much as possible depending on how well I know the receiver.

I’ve gifted books for years and never had any complaints. However, my family and loved ones are polite. I’m not sure they’d tell me if they didn’t like my presents. I would never tell someone I didn’t like a present unless it really offended me. Maybe if I was given a book on being seen and not heard. That would spark sass. Otherwise I will cherish any item wrapped in shiny paper handed my way.

Reasons I Don’t Want Books as Presents

Please don’t buy me a book. Why, you shout at me. I have a whole blog about books. I love books. All the books. It would seem a logical conclusion to gift me a book. However, I already have many books. Lots of them. You don’t know me! You don’t know what I’m reading right now or already own. If I get a book that is part of a series then you’ve committed me to a whole series of books. This is committing time, emotion, and space I don’t necessarily possess. Stop being so presumptive.

Alternative Gifts for Book Lovers

If you do need to buy a book lover a gift and want to stab me for being a hypocrite, please wait. I will not leave you without hope. I’m a Pinterest addict and have a whole board full of nerdy loves. Booky presents that are not books do exist. Buy your book lover an awesome shelf for their books, a reading rack for the bath tub (the ones that also hold wine are coolest), nerdy apparel from already loved books, book lights, book ends, books that are actually hollow and store stuff, or book jewelry. All of these things exist. Promise.

Otherwise, give people cash. Give the people what they want! Who doesn’t want more cash? Cash can be turned into a book or any of these cool gift ideas. It can also be folded into cranes. So much potential!

That’s it. I have no more thoughts. Feed me your thoughts! Do you like giving or receiving books? Do you have a different go-to gift for book lovers? 


The Book Bard