Writing Quotes


I have a serious question for you all. Why do so many bloggers post writing quotes? I mean, are they really THAT inspiring or motivating? I don’t think so.

I see posts every single day on blogs I follow and some I don’t with writing quotes. That’s it. No original content. And I just want to know what makes posts like those interesting. Cause there are some that publish and BAM! 82 Likes. Or 233. Not that the number of Likes on a post makes it any better, but come on. Don’t sit there and act like you don’t get excited when it appears that a new post you’ve published is getting some attention. It’s normal. But I think there are way too many people who just copy and paste random writing quotes from the internet and call it a blog post. It isn’t. And no matter what anyone says, it never will be.

AND you see so many of the same quotes over and over and over again. Stop.

And yes, I pulled a random quote from the internet for the image to make my point. No idea who the quoted person is.

PS: Stay tuned for my 2014 recap tomorrow!

Quoting Your Favorite Authors via Their Books

ImagePhoto Credit: Grammar Wiki

I mentioned in yesterday’s post that today’s would be related. If you missed it yesterday, you can read it here.

Yesterday’s post focused on the first lines of books. How there may even be greater importance placed upon the first sentence of a work containing well over 100,000 words. That some seem to think that the author can lose a reader within those first few words.

Well, in today’s post we’ll be talking about quotes from your favorite books. I guess they don’t necessarily have to be your favorites, but I don’t know many people quoting books they didn’t much care for.

There are so many writing quotes floating around the internet. So many. And quite a few of them have to do with the fact that reading a book lets the reader into the mind of the author. You’re getting to experience something attributed to a single person, and to some, myself included, that can be a wonderful thing. I mean, let’s think of some of the more popular series today. We’ve all gotten to experience life at Hogwarts with Harry and company. Many of us have gone to the Capitol with Katniss and Peeta. Or Narnia. Or Middle Earth. Imagine if these authors I’m speaking of had never created these wonderful worlds for us readers. We’d have missed out on something very real to us.

So with all that being said, there have got to be many quotes from some of your favorite books that you just can’t seem to forget even if you wanted to. I’m a little hesitant to say that I have many fewer than I would have thought when I decided to write this post. Eh. That’s okay. Here are the ones that I know. The punctuation in the actual quote may differ slightly.

“I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!” Seriously just got chills typing that out. We all know it’s from The Hunger Games and Katniss.

“I’m not allowed to bet, but if I could, I’d bet on you.” The Hunger Games, Cinna

“May the odds be ever in your favor.” Said by just about everyone in THG

“You’re a wizard, Harry.” Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Hagrid

“Thank you, for your consideration.” The Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen

“That’s okay, I think crazy stuff like that about you all the time.” Divided Within, Andrew Banks

“You have the eyes of an angel.” Divided Within, Andrew Banks

“Oh my stars!” Divided Within, Vanessa

“Let me in! Let me in!” Divided Within, Sydney Durham

Unfortunately, that’s all I have. I sat here thinking of every book I’ve read trying to come up with quotes and it just didn’t happen. BUT I know you guys must have some quotes from your favorite books. Please do share!