Some News is Better Than no News

I suppose I believe that title. Maybe.

Today I was given the date by which my final proof should be ready. It’s October 24. I would have liked for that date to be a little closer to now, but I said in recent posts that their timelines are generally longer than will actually be needed. So I still fully expect to receive the proof before that date.

I’ve spent the last month and a half working on finalizing everything for my first book and have still yet to begin work on my second. Well ladies and gentlemen, that changes today. I’ll have plenty to do for my first book once it’s released as far as trying to get it into the hands of as many potential readers as possible, but now I think it’s best for me to go ahead and write Andrew Banks another case. I already have the most basic details of the story thought out and I’ll let the others fill themselves in as I continue writing.

My website URL has been sent to Google for indexing, but I’ve read that they can take anywhere from four days to four weeks to actually index it. So my website still doesn’t pop up in search results. I’m working to change that as fast as possible!

Even though it doesn’t yet appear in search results you can still visit it here.

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