Not So Lucky Number Seven

Ugh! Once again I decide to take a million years to write another chapter. Oh well. I can only blame myself. Let’s just bypass the bad taste in my mouth from not writing and get to the new chapter that did make its way onto paper, well, digital paper. One last thing: I am at the exact point in the writing process at which I finished the first draft of my first book. It makes me a little sad to only have seven chapters of my second written. Sad John, I am.

BUT, in the latest chapter Andrew finally gets some real answers from his client that open his eyes into the investigation quite a bit. It is brought to his attention that someone even more influential than his client, who is a very prominent activist, may be behind everything that’s been happening. AND, for the first time in the series, he will be traveling outside of the Houston metropolitan area! How exciting!

Okay, I’ve set a new goal for the completion of the first draft of this book, and I’m sticking to it! Which means more info for you guys! Hopefully.

Til next time.

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