My Letter to JK Rowling

Photo Credit: The Telegraph

Dear JK Rowling,

I would first like to apologize on behalf of Lynn Shepherd for the piece that she wrote for the Huffington Post recently about you. I realize that people don’t always like others and feel that their personal opinion should be known, but I could not believe that a fellow author would tell another more successful author to stop writing because they have been unable to find a place in the market. It’s both unprofessional and saddening to see the lengths that she has gone to in order to make her very idiotic opinion known.

If you’re like me then you’re likely wondering who in the world is this woman who calls herself an author of ‘literary mysteries’ anyway? Well, to be honest, I had no idea before any of this came about either. She has apparently written three books, none of which have been well-received by her readers as evidenced by the rather harsh reviews that I came across on Amazon. I’ll tell you right now, you have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to this woman. She’s about as likely to become a NYT bestseller in the near future as someone who doesn’t write books at all. This woman, by writing the piece for the Huffington Post, has compared herself to you and her writing to yours. It’s a comparison that no other sane person would make.

Now to her point about whether or not you should continue writing for adults. I have to be honest, I have not read any of your books, though I’ve seen every one of the Harry Potter movies. And I also must admit that she’s right about your books becoming instant bestsellers as soon as they’re released, but I just don’t see what’s wrong with that. You’ve worked just as hard as every other successful writer to get to where you are today. How is it bad that you’ve built up a fanbase of millions that wants to read everything you write? How is it bad for writing that you get millions of people reading? How is it bad that you wrote a book under a pseudonym that only became a bestseller after it became known that you were the author and not someone else?

It isn’t. Keep writing. Because you have millions of fans asking for it.


John Guillen

2 thoughts on “My Letter to JK Rowling

    • No one. No one has that right. I know Lynn Shepherd knew there’d be backlash, but I don’t think she REALLY knew what was coming. I still say that even the idea of writing that article is absolutely crazy, let alone actually writing and publishing it.


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