I Think it’s Time to Revisit the WIP

Do y’all remember that I originally started this blog to document my progress as I wrote my first book? Or that I actually started writing my second shortly after finishing my first? Yeah…about that. You likely also know that I haven’t even glanced at my WIP in many months. But I think it’s time.

I’ve known for several months now that I’d revisit my story at the start of 2015. I don’t have a particular reason for waiting so long, but I had no reason to look back any sooner. See, I’m in no rush. I’m not over here thinking I’m writing the greatest novel that no one will ever know about. I’m just writing along and seeing where it takes me.

Let’s refresh just a bit. My current WIP is my second book around Andrew Banks. Someone who is mildly controversial. (I’m poking fun at some of my reviewers). He’s a Houston area PI and he has this girlfriend who goes by the name of Sydney. Ha. That’s all. But really, I’m something like 30k words in and I stopped just as Andrew goes on a trip out of the city following a lead.

But enough about that, what are you currently working on? Book one? Book two? Book 38?

42 thoughts on “I Think it’s Time to Revisit the WIP

  1. Book 1… Its a work in progress, started before I married, 13 years ago, then there was a 2 year hiatus… Then I started again… 13,000 words later, I had kids, and even though I go back, I don’t get the time to get my teeth back into it. I’ve managed to write quite a few poems since starting blogging, which has been fantastic, and some short stories. My Coffee Shop series has whet my appetite again and the current installment stands at 5,000 words so far, and still growing!!


  2. Book 2 [currently about 33K words]. Paused for 4-months to execute rewrites of Book 1 [sitting at 105K words] which is back in beta-reading. Just started back into Book 2 again of the planned 4-book series. I have a decently extensive outline for the series.


      • The series is essentially one larger story with three main characters. The first book contains premonitions of scenes that occur in each of the subsequent books with further context added. So, I am good with the first in the series. The rewrites allowed me to tweak micro-scenes of characters that get broader exposure in the second book. I’m half-tempted to try to complete the entire series before I market it to ensure that it is cohesive. Through the series, the POV jumps between the main characters. That keeps things interesting as side-by-side characters experience things differently. Interesting questions, though. Why did you ask?


  3. I’m nearing the end of my third edit on my fourth book (which is actually book 2 in a series). I’m also still working on my interactive novel, but I’m afraid that is going to be going on hiatus for a few weeks as I finish up the other book… a book I wanted to release last summer. But, as you must know, you can’t rush these things!


  4. I stupidly started another WIP…. I am now up to 6 books. “Books” Ha! That’s a joke. It’s more of ideas in the brain than written out. But it’s up to six now. All plot-less. *bangs head on keyboard*


      • Working on releasing first book in YA series. All done except last chapter and epilogue. Trying to promote a business and help wonderful clients leaves too little time to promote my passion…fiction. I love the nuts and bolts of creating books, business media, etc., but I want equal time to write. Really, though, you just have to make time to write because there’s so much exciting new stuff out there, everyday, that appeals to your creativity that we just get lost in it. Writing your own is still the best creative high. Go for it!


  5. I’m working on Book 4. I’ve been working on it for far too long. I finished the first draft of it in January two years ago and intended for it to join the other three on Amazon before the end of that year – 2013 – because I wanted to put out at least one book a year. Ha, ha, ha – that ship sailed without me! So did 2014’s ship…

    Between moving house twice in 2013 and having two trips overseas last year, I’ve done 8 drafts in total. Started the 9th draft last month and it will need another edit before it will be ready. Maybe 2015 will be the year I finally catch up with myself.

    Good luck with your WIP, John.


  6. Currently working on book three, the first in a planned trilogy. I’m so glad to see you’re picking it back up! It made me nervous to know you were ignoring it. I know everyone’s process is different, but if I ignore a work for that long, I’m probably not coming back to it. I hope it goes easier for you than it does me!


  7. Hey, some stories need to sit for awhile. I bet your eyes will be much keener now, going back to this draft after so long. The longer it stews, the more objective you can be.

    I’ve been calling my WIP Book One, because I only count novels I’ve actually finished. If I counted all the WIPs or books I never finished writing, this is probably Book Twenty-Seven, lol. I’m a few scenes shy of finishing the fifth draft, and I’m about 15 months deep now. Hoping to finish Draft Five by March and get it into another beta round. After that, more rewrites. My lofty goal is to start querying by the end of the year. My realistic goal is just to have a finished manuscript.


  8. Sweet!! I can’t wait to read it when it comes out! Ha! I like your comment about Andrew being controversial. Hehehe!

    I’m glad to hear you’re getting back into the writing groove. I’m excited to read Sydney’s snappy comebacks. She always has the best ones.

    I’m still bumbling through the massive re-write of the first book in my fantasy series. However, it’s SO much better than it ever has been. I’m about 40,000 words/12 chapters/151 pages in. But since my first manuscript was pared down from 140,000 to 105,000 before I submitted it to agents, I have quite a ways to go.

    I’ve also been working seriously on two other stories, one of which is 200 pages in, and the other is 75 pages in. I work on them when I hit a roadblock with my re-write.

    I can’t wait to hear about your writing progress! Good luck!


    • Holy crap! How much have you been writing!? That’s a lot of words and pages and jgdjfdj!

      I’m excited to get back in touch with them. Especially Sydney. She’s my favorite. Thanks! You just gotta get back into your blogging groove so you don’t miss out!

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