Cool Dads in Literature

I don’t know what the rest of the world is doing today, but here in the US it’s Father’s Day. Or is it Fathers Day? Anyway, I figured I’d write a relevant post about it. So we’re talking dads in books. Let’s get to it.

Atticus Finch

If you don’t know, I’m reading To Kill a Mockingbird for my next video. I’ll be finished with it today once I’m home from work. Which means I’m not going to tell you anything about what I think of Atticus or the book here, except that I think he belongs on this list.

Alex Cross

He’s a detective in DC. Then moves on to the FBI. Then I think he goes back to detective work. I think. I’m only about halfway through the series and James Patterson releases them too fast for me to keep up with. But I’ve never read a single page of one of the Cross novels thinking that his family wasn’t his top priority. Reading about him and his family is just as entertaining as reading about the criminals he goes after.


He’s not actually a father. But during the course of one of his books he takes a kid under his wing, and never forgets about him. And they develop this really interesting understanding between each other that I don’t think I’ve seen in other stories. Paul (the kid he takes under his wing) eventually knows when Spenser has something on his mind without needing to ask. He knows when to press him for information and when to back off. He knows as much about Spenser as Spenser is willing to let anyone know. Which is really cool because Spenser doesn’t go around giving out information about himself unnecessarily.

I think that’s it. I just discovered that most of the characters I read aren’t fathers. I guess having kids isn’t interesting enough to be in books. Who are some cool dads you’ve read about in literature?

And happy Father’s Day to all you papas out there.

20 thoughts on “Cool Dads in Literature

  1. Matthew Cuthbert (Anne of Green Gables) isn’t technically a father, but he becomes a father figure to Anne and he’s sweet and devoted and adores his adopted daughter. He’s always thinking of her, which is adorable.
    I think Mr. Weasley is pretty awesome, myself. He also kind of takes Harry under his wing since Harry’s parents aren’t living.
    Thranduil (the father of Legolas) from the Hobbit is pretty awesome. He’s fiercely protective of his son even though he’s a bit full of himself. Plus, in the Hobbit movies, his throne is amazing! And he rides an enormous elk! Or moose? Pretty sweet.
    There are a lot of others. For some reason I can think of more dads than moms in literature. Didn’t we sort of have this discussion on Mother’s Day?

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  2. Atticus Finch is the best! He would be the dad I would have wanted if I didn’t have a father(well, my dad’s been dead for 3 years now, so Father’s Day can be a little sad for me)


  3. Mr. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice. I love that he’s a little spacy and lets his wife run all over him till his favorite daughter is unhappy. Then he tells her she cannot marry the horrible Mr. Collins! Great stuff. Mr. Weasly definitely. Dumbledore is a semi father figure. Mr. Melendy in all of the Elizabeth Enright books about the Melendy family.. Which, John, you would have no clue because you don’t read old books…. 😛


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