Buy Books for Syria

It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from. I’d hope you know that a terrible civil war has been taking place in Syria for some time now. And no one seems to have the upper hand.

Well if you’re living in the UK you can do your small part without doing much of anything. All you have to do is buy specially marked books from your closest Waterstones bookstore. The stores, authors, and publishers will receive nothing for the buy. Which will probably freak out some of y’all. But it’s true. Everything will be donated to Oxfam’s Syria crisis appeal.

Their goal is to raise $1.5 million in October. The authors included are Neil Gaiman, Salman Rushdie, and Hilary Mantel.

I see no reason why people wouldn’t want to participate in this. So maybe you don’t want one of the titles, right? This is more important than just buying books. Hopefully you see that.

What do you think of some popular authors teaming up with Waterstones for the “Buy Books for Syria” campaign? I think it’s great.

2 thoughts on “Buy Books for Syria

  1. This is awesome! It’s nice to see authors taking a stand like this and offering to help someone. I hope people understand how much of a difference they could make by contributing to this cause.


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