Back on it

I decided to add one more layer of accountability this year, so I’m going to be using Goodreads again! It’s so easy to keep track of what I’m doing and what others are reading.

Click here to add me to get near real-time updates on my reading. Cause I know you’re so interested. 😂 

Also, I’m curious to know the reading goals of you guys!

Happy New Year!

6 thoughts on “Back on it

  1. I probably have the weakest reading goal ever this year. 12 books; one for each month….because I have college and it sucks… I’ll probably double that number during the summer, but I’m putting down 12 to be safe 😂


      • I used to be able to read during the school year. I did it all throughout high school…but my workload is bigger now, and I’m worried about falling behind 😬 So it’s more paranoia than anything else, heh… and no, I actually didn’t have a 2016 goal 🤔 but I had a pretty sorry reading year anyways…..5 whole books 😂 As opposed to about 20 in 2015 😭


  2. I’m horrible at logging onto Goodreads often enough. I also need to do this. Not saying that’s my goal to improve on this year, but I’m adding you, in hopes we both improve. LoL.


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