2017 Reading Update #2

At the end of January I wrote a post providing an update on my reading progress for the year. Last month will be no different. Let’s take a look.

Books read

2017: 11

2012: 3

When compared to my best year ever, one would think I’m doing well to start this year. Meh, somewhat. I didn’t read a single page after February 3, completing just one book in the month after my record-breaking January. Of course that wasn’t all that surprising since I started my new job on February 9.


62 hours, 36 minutes



2017 Reading Challenge

7 books


Young adult: 2 books

Literary fiction: 4 books

Mystery: 2 books

Fantasy: 1 book

Nonfiction: 2 books


1 star: 1 book

2 stars: 1 book

3 stars: 3 books

4 stars: 5 books

5 stars: 1 book

Average: 3.54

Best Book

The Lightning Thief

Those are the numbers through February! I’m actually going to HPB today to see if I can find some new books to start reading soon. They’ll be both for my 2017 Reading Challenge and also books I’m simply interested in reading.

When Reading Becomes Presidential

We’re in the midst of a presidential transition. If recent history holds, we’ll soon be getting books from both the outgoing and incoming presidents.

The Office of the President of the United States is respected by every nation on earth. Respected doesn’t mean friendly. Only 44 men (I know we’ll elect a woman soon!) have held the highest office in the nation. The US is currently a country with a population nearing 350 million. Still, only 44.

So one could say there’s an exclusive book club that you can’t just join. You have to be voted in by tens of millions of people. I’ve still never read a book written by a president, but that changes this year. It’s a requirement for my reading challenge!

What’s the best book written by a president you’ve read?

2017 Reading Challenge: A Wrinkle in Time

It’s Wednesday, which means today is video day!

My second read of 2017 is both a book for my 2017 Reading Challenge and also one of Amazon’s 100 Books Everyone Should Read.

This was the second time I tried reading this after it was a DNF in 2014? It was a DNF at some point. Anyway, it was the first book I’ve read that had time traveling elements. Though I do watch the TV show, Timeless. And anyone who doesn’t like Back to the Future is crazy. So I’m not exactly a time traveling virgin. Wait, what?

Moving on.

As always, tell me if you’ve read this book and what you thought of it! I bet we have differing opinions.

This book fulfilled the requirement to read a book about time travel. Two down, 23 to go!

And They’re Off

Ugh. I shouldn’t use that as a title. Reminds me of horse racing, which should be illegal.

Anyway, today is day 6 of 2017. And last night I finished my third book of the year. Oh boy. I’m not only excited every time I lie down to read something, but I’m excited that I’m actually reading. I don’t walk around moping during the days and weeks I’m not invested in a story, at least I don’t think I do. I’m glad that January has so far been a continuation of December.

The most books I’ve ever read in a single calendar month is 12 back in May, 2012. Can I break my own record? We shall see.

How’s your reading coming along just about a week into the new year?

You Decide!

Last year I failed as a blogger. But I want this year to be different in a number of ways. Most notably, I want to get back to being really interactive with you all. I just finished my first book for my 2017 Reading Challenge and it’s time to pick a new requirement to fulfill and I want you all to help me out!

Obviously I can’t run a simple poll when there are 24 choices, so just comment and let me know which requirement you’d like to see me tackle next.

And it’s only day 2 of 2017! You have all the time in the world to get started on my challenge!

Which requirement do you want to see me tackle next?