James Patterson has a new Co-writer


I really can’t resist any opportunity to type that out. I don’t think y’all find it nearly as entertaining as I do. But meh.

The real person Patterson is co writing a book with is President Clinton. No, this isn’t an alternate universe in which Hillary actually won. It’s Bill. Bill Clinton and James Patterson are writing a book together. Welp.

The quality of Patterson’s work is what it is. I simply don’t see how this would do anything to change that. Bill Clinton has never written a novel. But Patterson does whatever he possibly can to sell as many books as he can. This appears to fall in line with the things he’s done before.

Do you have any interest in a book written by President Clinton and James Patterson? I know I don’t.

Wait, What?

Bill O’Reilly is essentially always in the news. Recently it’s been for some serious things that have happened in the past. It was recently reported by the NYT that Fox News has settled multiple sexual harassment allegations made against O’Reilly for millions of dollars.

This isn’t the point of this post because wherever you get your news has surely reported on the latest developments. The point of this is to tell you that a book on “family values” written by O’Reilly was just published during the same week these allegations and settlements have come to light. Hollywood couldn’t write this stuff.

I’m not even surprised by this. It often seems that those who are the worst examples of people want to tell others how they should or shouldn’t act.

The book is called Old School and is available wherever books are sold. I know you’re eager to get your hands on it.

This is not Happening

Everyone wants to tall about how divided America is. And now there’s a new book out that plays into this thinking.

American War is the story of the second American Civil War that takes place at the turn of the next century. North against South.

This may be fiction, but it’s written by a former reporter who may or may not be intending to tell us what he thinks may be on the horizon. I don’t pretend to believe that all Americans love other Americans, but I just can’t see an all-out war breaking out. Of course, history is probably against me. Countries have internal conflicts that result in war.

What do you think? Think the country is headed toward war within the next century? I don’t.

On Portraits of Courage

Portraits of Courage is a book of paintings done by George W. Bush. The paintings are of military veterans who have served since 9/11. The former president has come to know these veterans personally once he left office.

This is one of those times you have to forget about politics. All of his profits as the author will benefit the George W. Bush Military Institute, which means the money is going to veterans.

George W. Bush largely stayed silent during the years of his successor, but his first real foray into the public eye in nearly a decade is for a great cause. I can’t speak on the quality of the paintings in the book because I haven’t seen them, but I can speak on the quality of the stories alongside them. I’ll say it until I’m no longer able to, our military veterans represent the best we have to offer as a country. I fully understand that you may already have organizations you support, but this could be something you get behind.

Are you interested in Portraits of Courage?

Ask and you Shall Receive

Funny thing has happened twice recently. People have asked me what I’m writing. No one asks me this. First, because no one really cares. Second, because it’s just not something I talk about with anyone. The answer has been nothing for some time now.

But I just recently told y’all I’ve thought of a new idea, which I have. It’s still just a basic premise. 2017 has a long way to go. I’m confident I’ll finally be able to tell those few curious people that I’m working on book 2. And knowing that is a rather nice feeling.

On Harry Potter and the Disappointed Reader

I knew this would happen. I KNEW IT!

I waited a few days to see what the initial consensus would be regarding the newly released script. And guess what? The reaction has been less than stellar. I think there’s plenty of blame to go around, and every single bit of it should be placed upon the shoulders of the ignorant readers who expected something they were never getting in the first place.

Here are my full thoughts on the initial reactions to the script:

I know at least one of you all bought the script and immediately read it. Please tell me what you thought. I’m curious. No bending the truth!

Stephenie Meyer to Release new Book


Stephenie Meyer is releasing a new book later this year. But thankfully it has nothing to do with werewolves or vampires or poorly written female characters. It’s actually a thriller.

Wait, what?

Yes. The author who gave the world Bella and Edward is now giving us something we all want. A novel for adults. I was surprised when I read it’ll be her second novel written for adults. The Host was evidently the first one, which was always shelved in the young adult section at my store.

I think it’d be wonderful if she does what other prominent authors have done and starts writing in every genre imaginable. Because we need more of those authors, right?

Do you have any interest in Stephenie Meyer’s new book The Chemist?

Harry Potter Book Eight is Coming

Do I even need to say more!? The eighth book in the series is coming THIS year. It’s based on the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child set to debut on July 30. The book will be released on Harry and Rowling’s birthday the following day.

It is already the top selling book on Amazon, and will undoubtedly be one of the top selling books of 2016, but I think the opening day sales record set by book seven is safe.

The story takes place nineteen years after Harry’s time at Hogwarts. He’s working for the Ministry of Magic now and his youngest son is grappling with his own problems.

Are you excited for this new book? I am. And I’ve only read the first two in the series.

Sarah Palin Holds a Book Signing Where?!

Evidently Sarah Palin has just released a new book. Which isn’t all that surprising considering that she is all but out of the public eye. But eh, politicians write books all the time.

What makes this a bit odd is that she recently held a book signing in California. I’m not sure I’d have picked that particular state for her signing, but I’m also not in charge of anything. It wasn’t at a bookstore. It wasn’t at a political event. It was at a gun range.

Wait, what?

Yes, you read that correctly. Sarah Palin held a book signing at a gun range in California. Why? I’m sure she’s got plenty of support from those in favor of gun rights, but I just don’t see the point. If she wants to make a statement on guns, then she could just as easily make an actual statement, right?

I just think it was mostly done to attract a certain amount of attention. And it worked. She ran out of books to sell because the line of people was so long. I won’t even comment on why people would even be following her at this point. Oh well.

Do you have any thoughts on having a book signing at a gun range?