
I didn’t post in September. Lots of things contributed to this. 1) Work. After missing almost two weeks after Harvey, I finally made it back into the office. 2) Change in schedule. Right when I was still unable to reach the office I received word that I’d been selected to assist in new hire training. Which immediately made my schedule M-F. No, that’s not typical. 3) Prepping. Prepping for what, I see you asking. My move. I’m moving into my first solo apartment on October 21. I’m excited. But I’ve been buying all kinds of things (most notably, furniture) throughout the last month. Today I packed all of my books. I won’t be seeing them for a month.

I’ll get back to posting. My apartment is only ten minutes from my job. Which gives me additional hours every month I haven’t had.

Also, I’m late to the party but I’ve been binge watching Friends. I’m through the first two seasons.

September was one big Fail

Welp. In my August recap I declared that I’d be better at blogging regularly and reading posts. Turns out I lied. I’m pretty sure I read posts from only one blogger all month. I took forever to reply to comments at times. And I just barely managed to keep my streak of posting everyday alive. There were multiple days on which I posted just minutes before midnight. Oh well. Now let’s look at some stats. Previous record in parenthesis.

Posts: 30 (31)

Likes: 566 (837)

Comments: 516 (2121)

Followers: 3220

Books Read: 0 (4)

Poems: 0 (2)

YouTube Videos: 0 (3)

Lows across the board. This month ended up being very similar to January. Which had been the worst month of the year. I didn’t post everyday. And I struggled to find any kind of rhythm. I didn’t read a single page in September. I didn’t post any new poems on here. But I did write a few. And it just wasn’t the kind of month that I’ve grown used to. My plan is to write multiple posts at once so I’m not having to worry about them each night. Now for some posts.

Top Post

I’m Scared to do This

Favorite Post

Saturday Selects: It’s all about control

Post you may Have Missed

Here we go Again

I wish I could tell you for certain that I’ll get back into the swing of things here, but I have no idea if that’ll really happen. I still like blogging okay. I still like interacting with y’all about a variety of things. But I just have no motivation at the moment to stick to my regular schedule. Before it took power outages to get me to write posts outside of my regular time, and now I do it every week for no reason at all.

In other news, I’m about to finish up my probation period at Half Price Books. So that’s exciting. I think I’m doing just fine over there. And I think I’ll be getting to work on some new YouTube videos soon. Today or tomorrow, perhaps?

But who cares what I’m doing? How was your month?

September Recap and October Surprise


Oh the dreaded monthly recap post. Last month a number of you all were telling me how sad I seemed or upset or I don’t even know, and it was just really me not being into blogging. I like blogging, but it has no impact whatsoever on my actual life. I mean, you guys can’t take this stuff that seriously. Anyway, September finally stopped the downward trend of my blog. Wasn’t an incredible month, but it was a step in the right direction. Let me break down the stats and then I’ll share a little surprise that I’m going to have for you all during the month of October. The previous monthly record will be in italics.

Posts: 22 (26)

Likes: 411 (584)

Comments: 557 (2158)

New Followers: 253 (511)

Nothing jumps off the page when I see those numbers, but the two parts of the equation that I don’t show you did manage to exceed my expectations this month. Ever since the month of May I’d seen each month garner a less number of site views and essentially the same number of unique visitors to the site. That changed in September. As for site views, well September was only my fifth best month of the year. But it improved upon August. And as for unique visitors, September actually had nearly 300 more unique visitors than my best previous month. What this tells me is that I have a growing constant readership, but new readers aren’t always sticking around like I’d want them to be. But I’m not complaining. Maybe I’ll start sharing the number of site views and visitors with you all. Hm. My reasoning for not doing so is that I don’t write these recap posts so you can compare your numbers to mine and realize how much smaller your blog is or how “popular” mine is, and I’m afraid that might happen if I share those two things. Although I’m positive that some of your blogs with fewer posts and less followers are able to far exceed the numbers I share with you all, and I have no issue with that. Okay, now for some posts.

Top Post

Give me a Typewriter

Favorite Post

Inked (poem)

Post you may Have Missed

Writing by Candlelight

That’s it. My blogging month of September in a nutshell. Now for my little surprise. I’ve decided to post every single day during the month of October. And also that every post (excluding my Saturday Selects post) will be about books or writing or something that fits with the theme of this blog. That’s going to take a lot of time, but I think I can make it happen. I think. My one question for you today is whether you’d like for me to share with you the number of site views and unique visitors my blog receives each month in these recap posts. Not to put those two things in your face, but perhaps to paint a greater picture and give a better perspective. Let me know.

PS: the top post this month was actually published on a Saturday. I don’t think I’ve ever had that happen. Forget all this downward stuff, we’re going to make October the best month in the short history of Write me a Book, John! Yep. How was your month?