Cover Art Revealed: Divided Within

Is there anything greater than picking a book off of your bookshelf and seeing your own name on its spine!? Well, I’m not quite there yet, but I’m definitely now closer than ever! And no, the answer is no.

I mentioned in my last post that I had an appointment today to discuss the interior formatting of my book and questions that I may have had about anything pertaining to the final steps before publication. I made my list and all of my questions were answered easily. So, you’re probably wondering where that gets me now. Well…in no  more than twelve days I’ll have the proof of my book in my hands for my review! How fantastic is that?

Once I approve the proof the book will be available shortly thereafter. And I’ll probably enjoy a little victory dance when I have a moment to myself so as not to embarrass myself too much. Oh what the heck. I’d dance and sing in the middle of the street if there was no danger associated with doing so.

Before you take a look at my cover art, please note that it will not be spineless as shown. Okay! Close your eyes! Now…open!


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