The Journey Begins Again

I mentioned in an earlier post that I would start dividing my posts up into two parts so that you could better distinguish whether I’m talking about my first book, which is done and this entire blog has been dedicated to, or my second book that I’ll be writing in the coming months. Well, this will be the first post that I actually do that.

Divided Within (Andrew Banks #1)

I don’t have much to report regarding my first book. If you read my last post then you know that there was an issue making my changes to my first proof and now I’m just waiting to receive my final one to officially approve and release. I was told that I’d have my final proof within three business days, so that’s either up tomorrow or Tuesday, depending on whether or not they consider Saturday a business day (they work a full day on Saturdays).

There is something wonderful to report, though! My website finally appears in search results! For some odd reason neither Bing nor Google has officially indexed the site, but as long as it appears in search results I’m happy. If you only search “John Guillen” then the site appears on the third page of Google search results, but if you search “John Guillen author” or John Guillen Divided Within” or “John Guillen Andrew Banks” then it appears right near the top of the first page. It’s exciting! So go ahead and check it out.

Andrew Banks Book Two

I had nearly two months of rewriting and finishing up everything for my first book and did not write a single word for my second book. BUT I returned to my beginning ways of spending my Friday nights writing and started and finished my first chapter last Friday. And if you’ve followed my blog for any stretch of time you know that I like to reveal some details about every chapter after I write them.

In the first chapter Andrew is hired by a prominent activist. I don’t yet want to reveal what exactly he is promoting, but I will say that this is my attempt as a writer to discuss social and political issues that are current and relevant today. And it’s something that I personally feel strongly about. Andrew agrees to become the activist’s personal bodyguard and then realizes that his client is a lot more known than he thought.

No more for now!

Also, I’ve been brainstorming titles, but like last time I probably won’t reveal that until the final stages of the book. Perhaps by the end of the year? We’ll see!

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