Major Writing Process Change

Divided Within (Andrew Banks #1)

I had hoped to receive my final proof today, but unfortunately it didn’t happen. So I’m convinced that I’ll have it for my viewing sometime tomorrow. Hopefully.

Andrew Banks Book Two

A million posts ago I may or may not have mentioned that I don’t believe in the so-called “edit while you go” philosophy. I don’t know if this is even a term that people use, but I’m talking about editing my writing as I write it. For example, writing an entire chapter and then immediately editing it afterward. My reasoning for being against this practice was that I thought it would force me to stay focused on only a small portion of the entire work rather than continuing to move forward. I was wrong.

When I had to go through and edit my first book I realized that rather than spending a short amount of time editing after each chapter that I had forced myself to spend hours editing the whole book. And my book is fairly short. I ended up spending a lot more time editing the final product because I failed to do any during the actual writing.

What’s my take from this? Well…this whole writing thing is not an exact science. I figured that I’d have to do a little trial and error before I really got into my own little groove. I mean, there are still many practices that I know many other authors adopt that I haven’t found the need to. Like writing every single day no matter what. I don’t believe in this because I very much disagree that bad writing is better than no writing. Bad writing is bad writing. Period. So, I wrote my entire first book without ever having the need to write every single day.

No new chapter to discuss yet, but you all will know when there is!

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