Nominated for an Award, no Two!

ImagePhoto Credit: Out and About

I typically only post on one Saturday a month, but this is a celebration! So, sorry for two straight six post weeks. Don’t get bored of me, please. 🙂

I’ve read about SO many bloggers being nominated for this award and that award and every time I just want to punch them in the face. Cause I think I’m a pretty good blogger who writes interesting and relevant posts and I never get nominated for anything. Until now! Actually, I have to admit that I was first nominated about a month ago but my blogging schedule is planned quite a bit ahead and certain posts are scheduled for certain days so I’ve been trying to fit it in and never had a good day for it. So let’s just get on with the fun-ness, shall we?

I’d first like to thank Writer X for first nominating for me the Versatile Blogger Award. You are too kind. Second I would like to thank Erynn for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Geez, you guys. I love you both. Haha I’m only kidding. Okay, I’m not. Moving on!


Before I begin, I’m going to merge the two awards. So instead of 11 facts you’ll get 15 and I’ll nominate 11 bloggers. Time for secrets!

15 Facts about me

1. I was the youngest in my university’s graduating class last May. Something like 1,000 students. I was 21.

2. I have a crush on this girl I work with and I haven’t told a single soul. Until now. Wait, am I too old to crush on someone? Eh. Y’all are officially in the know! Shhhhh.

3. I cried during Transformers 2. Hush your mouth and don’t judge me!

4. I’ve never had a sip of alcohol in my life. I’ll be 23 at the end of the year.

5. I lost all the numbers in my phone last November and never made any attempt at getting them back. Now I have 26. I laugh every time I see it.

6. I honestly believe that baseball is man’s greatest invention.

7. I graduated from high school weighing about 110 pounds four years ago. I’m currently at about 180. Remember, bodybuilder over here.

8. I have many celebrity crushes. Jennifer Lawrence is number one. Emma Watson. Katherine Heigl. Rachel McAdams. Kimberley Perry. Taylor Swift. Just to name a few.

9. I look up to my little brother more than I think he knows. My degree is in criminal justice. He studies petroleum engineering. He’s also the only person who can push me in the gym. And he calls me fat.

10. I LOVE tattoos. A girl with a sleeve is like heaven.

11. I LOVE girls who wear boots. It’s weird. Like it doesn’t even matter what the boots look like. Cowgirl. Hot pink. Ugly rain. Doesn’t matter.

12. I’ve named characters in my first two books after the best people I’ve ever met. I’m talking about you Nathan, Sydney, Mercedes, and Stephany.

13. My favorite country singer is Blake Shelton. If you don’t like him then I don’t like you.

14. I’m Mexican-American. Many people think Filipino upon first meeting me. It’s the eyes.

15. I’m atheist.

Now the 11 questions I’m to answer.

1. What kind of music do you like to listen to while writing, if any at all?

No music for me. I’ve listened to ocean waves before. They’re soothing and bring a sense of calm to an otherwise stressful situation. Writing.

2. What is it about writing that keeps you going, even when you’re not sure you want to continue?

I have stories that need telling. They may be bad. They may not be read by many people, but they’ll always be mine and have my name on them.

3. Who is your favourite author?

Stop it. This is nearly impossible. I’m going to say that it’s a tie between Robert B. Parker and Michael Connelly. I could have named several others.

4. What genre do you read, but swear you’ll never write?

Easy. Sci-fi. I like it okay. I have maybe nine sci-fi books. But I’m not into world building and all of that. I’ll leave that to the real writers.

5. What do you do when you tell yourself something along the lines of ‘I’ll only procrastinate a little bit longer’?

Read. Sleep. Read one of the many blogs I follow on here. Or lie in bed. I’m boring.

6. What brings you right into a writing mood, and how do you keep it that way?

I read this quickly and wondered why the heck you wanted to know what gets me in the mood. Hahaha whoops. Nothing. I just write when I have something to write. That’s about it.

7. Favourite series, and favourite stand alone?

THE HUNGER GAMES! The Hunger Games! The Hunger Games! Remember I’m in love with Jennifer Lawrence, and I love love love the books. Standalone would be Pacific Beat by T. Jefferson Parker.

8. Have you ever seriously screwed up your sleeping schedule because of a book? Was it worth it, and what were you reading?

Well first off, my sleeping schedule is already messed up. Since I graduated from college. But of course. I never mind finishing a book at three in the morning. I like it. I’m about to finish my latest book as soon as I finish typing this up. It’s a little before one in the morning now.

9. What do you do to remember those ideas you come up with when you’re not able to write?

I’m always able. I don’t work Monday-Thursday. Which means I make my trip to the gym each day and spend the rest of the time at home. I’ve tried carrying a notebook around but always ended up leaving it somewhere and never actually writing anything down. I remember. I mostly come up with blogging ideas more than book ideas. I have a notebook on my desk with like twenty ideas for blog posts.

10. Are there any books or series that you thought were great, and then the ending just ruined everything for you?

Hmm. I’ve only finished a few series because most of my favorites are long and I’m behind. I’d have to say that Mockingjay was my least favorite book of THG. And I didn’t like what happened to Prim. At all. Thank you, Katniss for what you did later. You’re my hero.

11. Why do you write?

Because I’m a writer, silly.

My nominations

1. Melissa L. Delgado

2. Jenn not Jenny

3. NaturePreserve

4. The Road Jess Traveled By

5. Coffee. Write. Repeat.

6. Meg Writes Stuff

7. kdaugh1992

8. The Sonrisa Project

9. Browneyedgirldotcom

10. Inkcouragement

11. Seihren Songs

If you haven’t checked out any or all of these blogs, then you should. Seriously, they’re all great. I had to choose from SO MANY blogs I follow and these are the ones I came up with. So, all of you are nominated for the Liebster Award! I’m supposed to have 11 questions for you but I’m sleepy. So you can answer the same questions I did. Sorry for not being prepared!

Lastly, I’m writing this late at night and it won’t publish until the morning, so you’ll be reading this as I’m at work. So if you see your name then comment so I don’t tell you about it later! Deal? Deal.

45 thoughts on “Nominated for an Award, no Two!

  1. Thanks SO MUCH for the nomination! I’m so flattered! 🙂 my first nomination ever 😀
    Also, I may or may not have cried in Transformers 2 as well…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the nomination 🙂 I definitely laughed at your confessions haha..I’m ahead of my “grade” I’ll be turning 21 when I graduate too. And my boyfriend is the exact opposite. He is mixed Vietnamese, but everyone mistakes him for being Hispanic, especially since we live in Texas lol 🙂


  3. You’re a peach! A funny peach at that.
    If I tell you that I never saw the second Transformers movie can we still be friends?
    Just kidding, I have. I don’t remember crying, but I probably did and repressed it. Lol. I cry over everything. If you’re familiar with Pokemon, you’ll be interested to know that I cried during Pokemon: The First Movie when Ash was petrified. Like, big fat ugly tears. It was shameful.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No. If you didn’t see it then I’m rescinding the nomination.

      Phew. Almost did it.

      Seriously just laughed uncontrollably for a few seconds at your Pokemon story. Hahaha like really? You’re a big baby if you cried during that movie. Sooo funny.


      • But the Pokemon were crying! And they’re basically animals to me. Not to mention I was probably 12 years old when I saw it. Lol.
        But to be fair, I went back to watch the show since it’s on Netflix, and I got a little misty-eyed during the first episode when Ash offers himself up to the Spearows to save Pikachu.
        I know. I’m pathetic. But sad animal/creature/things make me weepy. I’m just gonna go ahead and blame it on being an emotional little girl. Lol.


  4. Thanks a bunches for the nomination #huge smile!! And yes Blake Sheldon is awesome…I’ll start to fall in love with a song on the radio without even knowing the name or musician…later I find out its Blake Sheldon..every time!


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