Who Wants Bookish T-Shirts!?

*raises hand emphatically*

I’ve only ever had one bookish shirt in my life. It was a simple bookshelf that was actually kind of ugly. The shirt was brown. But I wore it until it no longer fit. And now every once in a blue moon I’ll search the internet for a unique-looking bookish shirt and I’m always disappointed. The designs are too simple. Or the designs are just unappealing. So I decided yesterday to see if I could create one that I’d be proud to wear myself. And I definitely accomplished that much.

I used Teespring. It’s a site that lets you run a “campaign” for shirts, hoodies, or tank tops. Since it’s a campaign, there is a minimum that have to be sold in order for the shirts to be printed, otherwise no one gets anything. *sad face* And there’s a set amount of time for sales to take place. I’ll get to all the details in just a second. I want to show you the shirts! First up are the men’s shirts.



20150615_000530Second up are the shirts for the ladies.



20150615_001222Those are them! First things first, I would have changed the color of the women’s shirts, but it’s a single design that is used for every item and I felt the design looked best on the darker colors. Second, the text on the shirt reads “Books are bae”. I know all you young people out there know what bae means, but I bet some of the rest of y’all are scratching your head. I’ll just give you an example of how it can be used rather than try giving you a definitive definition. Y’all know I love Jennifer Lawrence, right? Well, a way for me to express that would be to say that Jennifer Lawrence is bae. People pretty much use it for anything they REALLY like. See? Easy.

Just a few more points before I tell you how to get your hands on these bad boys.

First, Teespring ships everywhere! Seriously, how many companies do that? Well they do, but there’s a catch. Shipping to US addresses is $3.99 for the first item and $2.00 for each additional item. Which is pretty fair if you ask me. But shipping to Canada is $9.50 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item. *sad face* And shipping anywhere else is $12.50 for the first item and $4.00 for each additional item. *cries*

With all of that in mind I tried pricing them at a reasonable price because there’s no point in doing this if y’all see the shipping prices and decide not to buy anything.

Both the men’s and women’s shirts are $15.99 everywhere. And for all you crazies (like me) who like buying winter clothing in the summer, there are also hoodies available in two colors for $21.99. Cheap! The campaign ends in two weeks and at least ten shirts (or hoodies) must be bought in order for any to be printed. If ten of y’all don’t like these, then I’ll be sad.

Feel like giving them a closer look now? All you have to do is click here!

PS: It would be really awesome of you to share this with all your book-loving friends and family members. Heck, you could buy them one!

21 thoughts on “Who Wants Bookish T-Shirts!?

  1. I do like the design, though I think as a forty-five year old mum, if I wore this tee-shirt I would look … ridiculous, frankly 🙂 I look ridiculous in tee-shirts anyway – they look like old mail bags on me. If I wore them I would buy one, honest. Good luck with it.
    Is is this your new sideline now? You gonna be the Stella McCartney, the Louis Vuitton of the book-tee-shirt market? Where will it end – mugs? Mouse mats? Tea Towels? Fridge magnets?
    I tell you what you could do, is make a range of tee-shirts with obscure references to cult/classic novels as companies have for cult films. You know, a sly ad for a dating agency run by ‘Emma’, or one for a governess for a Mr Rochester a la ‘Jane Eyre’ – ‘must be open-minded about living with a mad woman in the attic’.
    Someone, somewhere must have already done this …
    Yes, they have 😦


      • I don’t mind tee-shirts, they just don’t like me! Nothing is less flattering to bumps and humps, I find – my husband said I looked like I was wearing a tent when I’ve attempted them in the past. Nothing if not honest 🙂
        Shame about the tees – I thought they’d be a winner for people with fewer hang ups than I have


  2. To me bae is a devonshire colloquialism that means babe. “you alreet bae?” is generally how it’s used. Funny how it’s taken off elsewhere 😀


  3. Oh, actually. This design is way too unappealing. Except for the men’s red T-shirt. Only that looks okayish. But tbh, these aren’t unique. And I don’t think I’d buy any of these designs. :/


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