YA Needs Threesomes. Wait, what?

I’ve just been reading about how authors and agents of YA are frequently including and asking for threesomes in their titles. I mean, I don’t write YA. I’m as near to certain as I can be that I never will. But, really?

My thing is that there’s this huge stigma associated with erotica, right? But then you put the same kind of thing in YA and it’s openly accepted. What, because kids are supposedly learning about their own sexuality during their teen years? I don’t understand. An article I just read had perspectives from authors and agents alike, and the responses were all quite similar. If the threesome works within the story, then include it.

I have no idea how detailed particular authors are in these scenes, but many aren’t leaving much to the imagination. Just the samples given were pretty in depth. Now I have no issue with sex in YA, or even with teens reading about sex in YA. But I think it’s a little hypocritical for so many to constantly bash erotica and then have those same people talking about adding threesomes into YA stories.

What do you think about this little trend? If it’s even reached that level.


26 thoughts on “YA Needs Threesomes. Wait, what?

  1. I felt uncomfortable when I read about teens having sex at all in those books…even when it’s just alluded to in no description at all… and to now know they’re not only making it more erotic but doing things like threesomes is just messed up… I mean as an adult I’ve read books like that… but it’s one of those things where you’re like whatever and you go on about your life… but teens are impressionable and if they think that’s what they should be doing and get that crazy stuff in their head it’s gonna be a big problem… kids are already feeling pressured enough to have sex sometimes before they’re actually ready to just because “everyone else is doing it”… now what will they feel pressured into doing? ugh so wrong…

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  2. I thought your post was going to be about the popularity of trilogies or love triangles- but you’re talking about actual threesomes? What article were you reading? Do you think it might be a trend because so many adults are reading YA now, so the books are becoming more mature?

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  3. *Shakes head is disappointment* I’m well aware of sex in YA books and that teens and YA readers are having sex, but why this? To me, this is just more of the ideology that “sex sells.”
    I’m far more impressed with writers (and advertising agencies, too), that make high quality novels and advertisements that don’t include the “sex sells” idea. It’s a copout to focus so much on sex in books when there are SO many other topics that also need to be addressed! Poverty, war, violence, inequality, etc.
    Like I said, I know sex is happening and people experiment and all that jazz, but seriously? Grow a set and don’t bow to societal and market forces, people!

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