Coloring Books are Everywhere

I wrote earlier this week about Crayola on the verge of releasing their own adult coloring books. Now I have even more to share about those pesky little things.

They’re everywhere. They’re taking over everything. At my store there are quite a few. There’s a Frozen one. Disney princesses. Game of Thrones. Star Wars. Secret Garden. Lost Ocean. I’ve probably forgotten some. But it’s a little ridiculous. Not that we’re selling them, but that people are so fast to be a part of something trendy. Wouldn’t be surprised if the same people who do NaNo also buy these coloring books.

7 thoughts on “Coloring Books are Everywhere

  1. I have nothing against coloring books, but I have to say, the tv show and movie ones are going overboard. They have a Sherlock one where you can color Benedict Cumberbund’s face…or an Outlander one with a shirtless guy. It’s very strange!


  2. Lol, if you have young children you don’t need to spend extra money on coloring books since you’ve probably already got a bin full of them!
    I’ve got paper and coloured pencils, markers, pens, and crayons. Somehow I think I’ll survive without spending whatever the price on more paper!


      • I haven’t been in a store to see them although I do need to make a trip to Chapters soon. Maybe I’ll take a peek then.
        I meant generic you for the kids, I guess I should have made that clearer.
        I can remember my parents coloring with me and me coloring with my own kids. I won’t deny that it is relaxing but I agree that the simpler designs seem like they would be more fun and less stressful.


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