Kindle Edition of Divided Within Now Available!

Finally! I’m sure some of you may have been wondering whether or not my book would be available on Kindle. Well, the answer is a resounding yes! The print edition released first because they used those files for the Kindle version.

Let me tell you guys something that may entice you to get your copy of my book now that it is on Kindle. The price is ONLY $2.99! That’s right, my wonderful masterpiece can be yours for only three bucks! And my book is enrolled in Kindle Matchbook, which offers the Kindle edition at a discounted price if you’ve purchased a print edition. So if you purchase a print edition then the Kindle edition price drops to $0.99! Since I presume that most of you are book lovers, then I know you realize the bargain this service provides. What are you waiting for? Go get my book! Pretty please.

And for those of you who have a Prime membership and a Kindle, guess what?! My book is part of the Kindle Owners Lending Library! Which means that you can borrow it for free! Do it, do it, do it!

AND for those of you who may follow my blog and think my book is something that you might be interested in but haven’t gotten your hands on a copy because of the price of the book and shipping and tax. Well I have some great news for you too! There are free Kindle apps for PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android! So you can get your copy for the low price of $2.99! No more excuses. I know you want to get my book. So do it!

The Amazon product page can be accessed by clicking here.

Successful First Signing!


I told you guys that I had my first book signing event scheduled for today at a CJ Majors Day event taking place at my favorite university in the whole world. Well, it is with great pleasure that I tell you all that it was a fantastic success!

Honestly, I went into it thinking that if I sold maybe five books that I’d be pretty happy leaving school. And I really would have been. BUT I was lucky enough to sell 21 of the 25 books I took with me! How amazing is that?! Every person I interacted with, whether it was one of my former professors or current students whom I’d never met before, were REALLY supportive and enthusiastic. The people who put the event together and those who attended were all pretty excited for me. I even had former classmates of mine come up and tell me that they remembered me saying in class that I wanted to write crime novels, but didn’t expect to see it in person so fast, if ever. A few of the students bought one in part because of the story that I wrote, but also because of the fact that I am an alum and they wanted to support me. If that isn’t a great feeling then I don’t know what is.

I had A LOT of interesting conversations today ranging from what I’ve been doing since I graduated to my writing process to whether or not I enjoyed writing a full-length novel. And someone even told me that it was the first time he’d gotten a book signed by its author and he was excited! He was excited to for me to sign his book!

For me, I think the best feeling came when former professors or classmates of mine approached my table knowing that they would buy a copy no matter what kind of story I was telling. I didn’t have to “sell” my book to them because they were buying one more to support me than for the book. Hopefully I make all of you proud!

And finally, this post would not be complete without mentioning a couple of professors who made this day possible. I told all of you that I didn’t know until Tuesday that I’d be appearing today. And it was only because of Drs. Harris and Belbot inviting me and being just as excited about my book as I am. I was lucky enough to take Dr. Harris twice while in school, but I hadn’t met Dr. Belbot until Tuesday. So for them to both be so kind and helpful today makes me happy. They made me feel extraordinary, though all I did was write a book, right?

I don’t know how many of my buyers today will ever see this, but I appreciate every single one of you and look forward to receiving some feedback in the near future!

If you, the WordPress reader, would like to make this day even more exciting, then go get my book! Here’s the link.


Giveaway Final Reminder

I announced a giveaway of my first book, Divided Within, last week and it ends tonight. In exactly six hours and five minutes. You have until 11:59 Central Time. Winner will be announced tomorrow. So hurry! Remember you have FOUR ways to enter!

1. Follow my blog either on WordPress or by email. Just click that button to the right or type your email in! So easy!

(NOTE: If you are already a blog follower you will only be entered via this method if you choose at least one other method of entry. All followers are not automatically entered)

2. Follow me on Twitter. Again, it’s so easy with my feed right there on the right!

(NOTE: If you are already a Twitter follower you will only be entered via this method if you choose at least one other method of entry. All followers are not automatically entered)

3. Like THIS post. Easiest of all.

4. Comment on THIS post. Easy, easy.

Here’s the cover art and back cover text for any first time reader.


Andrew Banks is hired by sixteen-year-old Mercedes Vega to work his first case. He soon learns that Carlos Vega, her father, is mixed up with the wrong people. He finds himself in Bellaire, one of the wealthiest parts of Houston, only to discover that not all of its residents are as innocent as they look. He must stay a step ahead of the Bellaire millionaire he’s pursuing before it’s too late for the entire Vega family, and for him.

GIVEAWAY: Divided Within (Andrew Banks #1) by John Guillen aka Me

Wouldn’t you like to get a free copy of my book without having to do more than sit at your computer and enter to win? Well…this is your lucky day! I’ve seen a million giveaways on WordPress and I don’t think any of them offered entrants more than one way to enter. I’m going to offer you four entries! Here’s what you have to do:

1. Follow my blog via WordPress or email. It’s easy! Just hit that button on the right side of your screen or enter your email! (NOTE: If you already follow my blog, I will automatically enter you into the drawing for being a follower ONLY IF YOU SELECT AT LEAST ONE OTHER METHOD OF ENTRY. All followers are not automatically entered.)

2. Follow me on Twitter. Again, super easy with my Twitter feed right there on your screen!

(NOTE: I will automatically enter you into the drawing for being a Twitter follower ONLY IF YOU SELECT AT LEAST ONE OTHER METHOD OF ENTRY. All Twitter followers are not automatically entered.)

3. Leave a comment on THIS post.

4. Like THIS post.

How simple is that?! Feel free to pick and choose which ways to enter. I don’t care if I get one person who picks one way to enter; I will still give away a copy of my book. The entry period will last from the time of this post until Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 11:59 PM central time. I will post this exact post again before the entry period ends and will announce the winners early next week, probably on Monday. So be sure to check back!

Here’s the cover art and short synopsis.


Andrew Banks is hired by sixteen-year-old Mercedes Vega to work his first case. He soon learns that Carlos Vega, her father, is mixed up with the wrong people. He finds himself in Bellaire, one of the wealthiest parts of Houston, only to discover that not all of its residents are as innocent as they look. He must stay a step ahead of the Bellaire millionaire he’s pursuing before it’s too late for the entire Vega family, and for him.

If you don’t think you’ll win the giveaway then feel free to go over to Amazon and buy the book today!

Most Exciting News Yet!

Divided Within (Andrew Banks #1)

I received an email yesterday telling me that my physical proof has officially been ordered and has shipped! The great thing that I’ve seen happening around me is that a lot more of my personal friends have been keeping up with my blog than I’d previously thought. I know of several people who read every post and are genuinely excited for the book’s release, but lately people who I didn’t even know read my blog at all have been asking about its imminent release and the price and where they’ll be able to buy it and all that fun stuff. Isn’t that exciting?! People want to read MY book!

I’m always quick to tell them that we are now just days away rather than months or weeks. The best part of being asked about my forthcoming book is that I’ve been receiving a lot of congratulations for my accomplishment. It’s not necessarily that they know how difficult a task it was for me, but I think it’s more to do with the fact that most people don’t personally know someone who has written a book, especially not someone their age and who they’ve known for years. I don’t need any special attention for what I’ve done, but it’s nice to see the people around me appreciate what I’ve done even before getting their hands on the actual book. Now I just have to bribe them into giving me nice reviews on Amazon! Only kidding. A little. Ha.

Andrew Banks Book Two

You’ll recall that I finally got around to writing the first chapter of my second book last Friday. Well, unfortunately it took me an entire week to get up the courage to start the second chapter. I always said that the first five or so chapters of a new book are the most difficult because the story isn’t developed enough to dictate what’s written next. This chapter was slightly more difficult to write than the first one, but I didn’t spend hours upon hours banging my head against my desk wondering how come the words I wanted to write weren’t coming to me. I did, however, have a few periods while writing in which I stared intently at the computer screen hoping for the next sentence or paragraph to suddenly appear. It never did.

I actually wrote this chapter in one sitting, which I hadn’t done in some time. Maybe it wasn’t as difficult as I thought. Anyway, a little about the chapter. I told you in my post last week that Andrew is hired by a prominent activist and that it is a topic that is current.

In chapter two Andrew gets to sit down with Sydney for the first time and discuss the new client and what it might mean. He realizes that Sydney knows a lot more about his client than he does and she’s able to give him some perspective. Andrew’s got a lot of work ahead of him if he’s to satisfy the needs of his new client.

Aren’t you all happy to finally hear about Andrew and Sydney again?! I know I’m happy to be writing their perfect relationship again.

I’ll be sure to let you all know as soon as I have my proof in my hands and when a new chapter finds its way onto Word!