Amazon Product Page Officially Online!

Yep! You read that right! My Amazon product page is officially online! I was told that it would be up and running within 5-7 business days of my approving the book for sale. Well, it ended up being less than 24 hours! This is fantastic!

Before I give you all the link I just wanted to mention something that literally happened to me just minutes before typing this post. Obviously I have a lot of people who I’ve told about the book and who I’m pretty certain will buy it. But I sent a friend of mine, who I’ve known since 2006, the link to the Amazon product page and he sent me back the confirmation of his order of MY book. That’s a pretty good feeling. Because it didn’t matter to him what the book was about, though I’ve told him, all that mattered was that I wrote it and that was enough.

I hope I have more stories like this one to share with you guys. Should you decide to purchase my book, I encourage you to post a review on Amazon because I look forward to reading what you have to say! And know that I am so appreciative to have you guys to share this entire experience with. You all are almost like family. Almost.

Here’s the link to Amazon!

Also, follow me on Twitter so you can read my random thoughts, mostly on writing, but also on all things! I’m a little lonely over there because I just started using my account. Help me out!

I’ve added the My Book page for you to easily access a short synopsis of my book along with the links to Amazon and CreateSpace. Take a look.

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