December Sales Report

This will be the second and final time I report any kind of sales figures for my book unless my blog tour pushes a few sales my way in the month of January.

So, if you’ll recall, I sold 74 books in my book’s first month of release in November. And had 206 free downloads that same month for a grand total of 280 individual readers getting their hands on my debut novel. There were a few giveaways as well.

The month of December was better and worse. I only sold 59 books but I had 6531 free downloads. You’re probably thinking about the money aspect of selling books, but I’m not. I’d be happy if just ten percent of the 6590 new readers I found in the month of December read my book. I’d like some reviews too, but no need to get picky.

No matter the fact that I’ve decided not to self publish again, I’m still quite pleased with everything that’s happened with my book. Though a number of former professors have grabbed a copy and I’ve yet to hear from any one of them. Yikes. But like they told me before reading it…doesn’t matter if the reader likes it or not, as long as they buy it. I don’t really believe in that philosophy, but it is kind of true.

Lastly, my blog tour starts on Monday! I’ll likely be linking every tour stop to my blog. If there happens to be any WordPress tour hosts then I’ll just reblog the post if not, I’ll just give you guys a link to the post on whatever blogging platform the host is using so you all can see what other book people are saying about my book. I really hope they’re nice. I’m a little scared.

Anyway, wish me luck on my blog tour!

And I added the 2013 Reading List page that lists the books I read last year and updated the What I’m Reading page to reflect my current reading. Take a look!

One last thing. I’ve decided this year to be more active on Goodreads and I just recently posted my first two book reviews! Remember that I am not a book reviewer and will not ever add them on here, BUT I think that being as much a book person as I am that I should share my thoughts on the books I read with other book people. Also, I’m not trying to be super professional with my reviews. They are what they are. I reviewed Valediction (Spenser #11) by Robert B. Parker and Brilliance by Marcus Sakey. The links will take you to the reviews on Goodreads.

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