Eight is Great

I’m actually writing this post before I finish the eighth chapter. I know exactly where it’s going and I’m always eager to fill you guys in, so we get an early post this time around.

In this chapter Andrew makes his travel plans and once again turns to Detective Nathan. For those of you unaware, this particular detective played a major role in solving Andrew’s first ever case that takes place about five months before the current one. This homicide detective is pretty much his go-to guy when he handles serious cases. Andrew generally wants someone in the loop who can move the case forward should something happen to him. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet, he’s just looking to bounce some ideas off of him at this point. That’s all for now!

Also, I have another review from my blog tour to share with you guys! It’s from the blog Readers’ Muse and if I had to put a label on it I’d call it fair. Check it out!

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