Amazon’s List of 100 Books Everyone Should Read: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green


Photo Credit: Wikipedia

First off, I KNOW you guys didn’t believe my whole thing yesterday about going to the World Cup. Come on. I work weekends. I don’t have anything remotely resembling a rich family or girlfriend/wife. So where the heck would I get the thousands of dollars I’d need to be traveling for two months? The lottery? No.

Back to this post. You guys might have forgotten that I decided to tackle all the books on this list when it was first released in February. This will be the fourth book I read from the list since then and the seventh book I’ve read from it overall. But enough with the pleasantries, you guys probably want to know what I thought of the book.

Fault in Our Stars

I know I don’t need to waste time telling you guys what the book is about because who hasn’t read this book, so I’m not. Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augustus Waters meet at their cancer Support Group and everything that follows is nothing short of wonderful.

My Thoughts

I’m writing the rest of this under the impression that you’ve read the book, if not, this is your warning to turn your eyes away from the screen. Well, this book has a huge amount of hype going right now. For me, I think it was able to live up to it. Let me tell you the million and one things that I liked about it. LOVED Hazel and Augustus as characters, as a couple, as thinkers, basically everything about them. Loved Hazel’s approach to everything. Loved how they both could quote An Imperial Affliction like no tomorrow. Excuse the language, but I loved how amidst everything that was going on between her and Augustus and her illness, Hazel was able to call Peter Van Houten on his shit. Yes, of course it’s later revealed that he had a daughter who died of cancer at the so very young age of eight, and Hazel changed it up a bit from constantly yelling at him.

I realize my thoughts are just spilling out at random, but that’s okay. I thought it was seriously fantastic that Augustus Waters called her Hazel Grace throughout the entire book even though at the very start she told him just Hazel. And I thought it was great to see that Hazel rarely broke down for any reason during the book. I’m thinking when she lay in her backyard in front of the swing set and of course after Augustus died. Both times guess who ultimately cheered her up, Gus.

Lastly, you all are probably wondering if I cried even though I’ve mentioned that I’m a notorious cryer when reading books. Yes. Just once, at the very end as Hazel is reading what Gus sent Van Houten before he died. This was the line that got me for some reason. I was at 98% on my Kindle.

“-I was wondering if you could write a eulogy for Hazel. I’ve got notes and everything, but if you could just make it into a coherent whole or whatever?”

He was dying and he knew it, and he STILL couldn’t stop thinking about Hazel. I mean, seriously, how freaking great is that? So yes, I cried the whole time as Hazel read what Gus so eloquently wrote to Van Houten about her.

You guys may or may not remember that I rank all the books I read. The books from the Amazon list rank as follows: Anne Frank is #1, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is #22, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is unranked, and this one comes in at #13 just behind The Hunger Games on my list.

Now if only I could find a girl who’s read this book, then maybe I might go see the movie.

Oh, and tell me Hazel Grace Lancaster isn’t the greatest name in the history of ever.

58 thoughts on “Amazon’s List of 100 Books Everyone Should Read: The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

  1. I just read this too! I read it on the plane to Fiji, which was a horrible idea because I cried for the second half of the book. I thought it was amazing that Augustus was able to deal with his imminent death so calmly, and that he put Hazel first. HOWEVER (because I love to be the devil’s advocate), I think it was a bit unrealistic that people so young, who knew each other for such a short period of time, had such a phenomenal love. I do not believe that’s realistic. I think that infatuation can happen that quick, especially in teenagers. I really liked that Hazel learned about love and how love influences loved ones in times of tragedy, but I would have found this story so much more believable if they had been in their twenties or thirties. But, then again I am not a romantic.


      • True.. I was expecting a brilliant debate about this topic, but I guess I’m going to have to be disappointed.


      • No debate. People don’t fly across the world to know what happens after a book ends. And Gus literally doesn’t exist. And the timetable for everything is wildly short. The only thing I’ll say is that it’s unfair to say that teenagers can’t be in love. I know like 99% care only about physical appearance, but to say they can’t wouldn’t be correct in my eyes.


  2. I picked it out from a bookstore at random and instantly fell in love with the story. Definitely a must-read. Good Post.


  3. I read it. Loved it. Cried the last 100 pages. My vision was so blurry I couldn’t finish. I read it in one sitting. Couldn’t put it down. I agree with everything about this book from your post 🙂


      • Yup sure did. It was such a brilliant read. It’s the first time in a long time the characters in a book felt real to me.

        And no, I will not haha.


      • They were real in the fictional sense of the word. Hazel, yes. She could be a real person right now. Gus, not so much. He was too perfect. Maybe we disagree, but that’s what I think.


      • Yeah I think we can disagree. I thought Gus felt just as real. Perhaps having that second chance at life which made him appreciate everything. The part that got me in both the novel and movie was when he called her stranded at the gas station. I don’t know why, but that’s when my tears really started flowing.


  4. Thanks for the review. I have been meaning to read the book, but was wondering if it would live up to its hype. Great review!


  5. I read the book and I will go see the movie… maybe tomorrow! Generally I’m worried that the movie will suck compared to the book but I hear good things about this one!


      • I think my biggest problem with books to movies is with casting….there are characters I love in the books but I don’t feel like the actor was the right choice for them. I end up liking most of the movies I see that have been made from books I’ve read…I just love the books more.


      • I read the book quite a long time ago, but from the preview I have seen I think she is the perfect Hazel Grace Lancaster.


  6. I haven’t read the book yet, but all my friends are urging me to. I did, though, go and see the midnight premier (which wasn’t at midnight!). It was really good but sad. (The entire theater was hysteric and I had no idea what was going on, due to my lack of reading the book.)


  7. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. You’ve probably seen the movie by now but it definitely lives up to the book. I’m really happy you thought it lived up to expectations but I read it about a year ago and now that everyone is talking about it, it doesn’t seem as good due to all their exaggerations. I only have one problem; it should definitely come before ‘The Hunger Games’ 🙂


    • No. At no point during or after reading it did I think it was better. There was no “I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute.” moment. Or any of the other things that were great in The Hunger Games. The best part of The Fault in Our Stars was the last four or five pages.


      • It might not have “I volunteer!” But it had “I do, Augustus. I do.” And the best part may have been the last four or five pages but those four or five pages made me feel things that a) I didn’t even know I was capable of feeling and b) ‘The Hunger Games’ could never make me feel
        So, I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree


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