Harper Lee to Publish Second Book This Year

Bush awards Presidential Medals of Freedom at White House

Photo: UPI

First things first, I haven’t read To Kill a Mockingbird. I know, I know. What have I been doing. But in my defense, I’ve never tried reading all the classics like a lot of other people. I just read what I read when I read it. Also, I just bought the book from Amazon. Ha. Because it is one of those books that I’ll read at some point. I doesn’t have to be next month or next year, but I’ll read it eventually.

But I do know just a little teeny tiny bit about the book. Every person who knows anything about books has heard of Scout and Atticus Finch. But honestly, besides knowing that there’s a legal aspect to the book, I know nothing. So don’t go ruining it for me! Seriously. That’s how you get blocked on WordPress.

So now to the present. Turns out that Harper Lee wrote another book way back in the 50s. Set in the same town as To Kill a Mockingbird and around some of the same characters. Most notably, Scout. This new book is called Go Set a Watchman. Based on what I’ve read from numerous articles, the story follows an older Scout as she returns home to visit her father. That’s about all that I can find at this point. But really, does it matter what the book is about? The book could be about dinosaurs taking over America and ruling the world and people would want to read it. Why? Harper Lee.

The book is set to be released on July 14 of this year. The first printing alone will be two million books. Will you be getting your hands on the new book? I might, if two things happen. First, if I get around to reading To Kill a Mockingbird prior to the release date. And second, if they decide to release it on Kindle. Since we all know how long it took for her first book to make it to eBook format. And because I don’t buy hardcovers.

I’m off to start her first book! Kidding. It’s not here yet. There are dozens of articles noting the new book’s release, but here’s one from The New York Times.

50 thoughts on “Harper Lee to Publish Second Book This Year

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to the read, even though I’m not one to assume greatness from a book because of who wrote it and their past accomplishments. Books are like children.


      • Ever heard someone say that you shouldn’t compare one child to another or contribute to the pressure placed on the parent to perform a certain way? Replace “child” with book, “parent” with author, and it might just be a recipe for disappointment and disaster.


      • The order is beside the point (I didn’t skim your post, don’t worry). But even though the original version was written prior to the beloved TKAMockingbird, it is being revised in this day and age, so the order isn’t so black and white. Also, we can’t be sure how much contribution Lee’s putting into this process. AND on top of all this, Lee’s going to have to compete with none other than herself. That’s a lot of pressure, which isn’t necessarily a positive thing


  2. Interesting. I haven’t read To Kill A Mockingbird either, but I think it’s a short book. I may try to knock it off the list this year. It’s one of the few classics that people seem to enjoy, rather than feeling obligated to trudge through.


  3. I’ve only seen the film. But from
    What I’ve read there’s questions surrounding the aged Harper Lee’s agreement to publish the second book. Sounds all about the publisher and less about her. 😳


  4. I think I’ll only buy it and read it a year after release. I have a fear of being badly disappointed by an authors 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc novels if the first is a hit. I get nervous for them.


    • Well it sounds to me like this book is getting published no matter what, so why not do it while she’s still alive so she can get some recognition for it? Even though she’s been out of the spotlight for so long.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. This has been a hot button topic of conversation with my patients this week. I’ve brought it up, they’ve brought it up. I’ll definitely read it when it comes out. After I re-read To Kill A Mockingbird. It’s been since high school and, while I enjoyed it, it wasn’t a book I kept a copy of. I’m anxious to see what her second book holds.


  6. I have read To Kill A mockingbird, but I have not gone on a quest to read the classics, either. I’ll read them if I get to them. Love your attitude on this! 🙂 I also have books I’ve purchased that I’ll get to. My kindle is full of books I mean to get to but continues to grow faster than I can get through everything. No worries though, it’ll happen 🙂

    I was unaware of Harper Lee publishing another book so thanks for that information! Cheers! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m very slowly working my way through some of the classics. I have a “Amazon 100 Books List” page on my blog and I’m working my way through those 100 books.
      I’m kind of the opposite. I rarely buy books for my Kindle. Until recently. I prefer print if I have the choice.

      And yes. July 14 her new book shall be released.


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