Finding new Books to Read

Just about every one of you reads more than I do. At least I think you do. Which means you likely have to find new books and authors pretty often, unless you’re one of those readers who reads the same books over and over again like you’re living your life in circles. Then I have no idea what to tell you.

But for those of you who like some variety in your reading, I’d like to know how you go about finding new authors. I have maybe 20 different series on my shelves, which means I’m not running out of books in those series any time soon. And even when I do I have plenty of others that I usually have my eye on. Besides the books I’ve read from the Amazon list, I honestly can’t remember the last time I went out searching for a new series to read. Definitely wasn’t in 2015, and perhaps not even last year.

So how do you find new series or authors to read? Goodreads? Amazon? Ask your neighbor? Other bloggers?

On this day in 2014 I published The Handwritten Letter. I wanted a pen pal when I wrote that post and I think I found one. But I ultimately stop replying to the letters because I’m awesome like that. I still think it would be nice to have a pen pal who I don’t communicate with regularly via any other medium. But oh well.


46 thoughts on “Finding new Books to Read

  1. I use goodreads mostly. I have a few friends who will make book recommendations on Facebook and so I’ll add those to my list. I’ve asked on my blog before what books people have read that they just couldn’t put down, and used those as recommendations as well.


    • Goodreads suggests books based on what you put that you’re reading, right? Or, I don’t know? I’ve asked people to pick my next read from a group of books I pre-selected, but that’s as far as I’d go.


      • They suggest based on books on your shelves (both read and to-read) and how you’ve rated the ones that you have read. I’ll look at the recommendations, and the ones that friends who have similar interests add to their lists and then I’ll read reviews on Goodreads and Amazon (and often browse through a sample) before I buy it or borrow it from the library. It was a joke for April Fool’s Day, but Goodreads put something out about having a dating website where you would be matched to people in your city based upon compatibility in books you’ve read. So many people commented on it “best idea ever!” I thought it was pretty cute.


  2. I rely on bloggers quite a bit. I like the review blogs that keep lists of top picks. Two favorites of mine are Grimdarkalliance and BestFantasyBooks. I also read new authors and tend to rely on Amazon reviews as well as the look inside.


  3. I mostly check what my friends are reading and ask if they’re any good. Either that or Goodreads.


  4. I have a Google Reader, a Kobo, a Kindle, and Audible. They all recommend books and they are all pretty decent at finding things I like. Freinds are good too. And sometimes I just love to peruse the virtual shelves and pick something all on my own.


  5. I have a few nerdy family members that I often exchange book recommendations with and then really awesome book club run by my local library. I’ve found finding the time to read books is harder for me than finding books to read. I also like to receive newsletters from some of my favorite publishers. Currently I’m in love with Tor.


  6. I usually watch the booktuber youtube community to get an idea of what books I want to read. See what others are saying about those books.
    The ones I trust to give me an honest opinion about a book is:
    Ariel Bissett:
    Jesse The Reader:

    So far, I have enjoyed most of the books that they have recommended. From time to time, I like to just go into a book store and buy a random book that catches my eye. I won’t read the synopsis or look it up on my phone. I just take it for what it is and go home and read. Although, that method has proven to be a 50/50 in my enjoyment of the books.


  7. I will on occasion buy something recommended to me by Amazon, based on my previous purchases, but on the whole I find news books the old fashioned way: I go into a book shop and browse the shelves. I check out the covers, read the blurbs, see what attracts me. I’ve found some fabulous authors that way. I also chat to friends and family about what they have read and loved (we have the same taste and exchange recommendations).


      • I live in a city, so have lots of book stores to browse. They’re like treasure troves! I never come out empty handed, and (like phantomwriter143, below) can happily spend an hour or more in there, checking out different genres. If you want to discover new authors, I’d definitely recommend you head down to your nearest book store and get browsing πŸ™‚


  8. I’m old-fashioned. Surprise there, right? I know you don’t go into bookstores anymore, but what I like to do is traipse through a bookstore and look at book titles, covers, synopses. I read a lot of middle grade and kid books because that’s my writing focus right now, and I’ve also been reading a bit of non-fiction that you wouldn’t like (religious stuff). But when I want to venture out, I’ll browse through the mystery, sci-fi, literature, humor, reference, and classic book sections in the store. I’ve been surprised with some of the titles I’ve found, read, and loved. It inspires me to be more all-encompassing with my book selections.
    I rarely take recommendations from other people because I know what I like, but I have done it a few times. I rarely use Goodreads, and though I order a lot from Amazon, again, I rarely use their recommendations. I prefer bookstores if I can get to them.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Yeah… I’m kind of all-encompassing when I go to the bookstore. Unless I have a specific mission to get in and get out (and let’s be real, that rarely happens), it’s not uncommon for me to spend over an hour in a bookstore browsing through titles and enjoying the leisurely stroll.


      • Well… since I’m already well into reading 60 books this year, finished my rewrite, working on my second and third books in the series, finishing my RomCom, and outlining the rest of my fantasy series, I don’t think either my writing or reading is suffering from a little stroll through the bookstore. πŸ™‚


      • I only did that to make a point that a little stroll won’t kill my reading/writing time. Right? But let’s be honest… yeah, I was bragging a bit. Though I’m far behind many of my other writing friends in their progress in writing/reading. I feel like a lazy bum compared to some of them.


      • Agreed. Get away from me with all your conceitedness. πŸ˜‚

        The other day I didn’t work and I got like seven hours of sleep and took a three hour nap right after waking up. I have a problem.


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