There’s Going to be a Goosebumps Movie

I repeat, there’s going to be a movie based on the bestselling series by R.L. Stine! I don’t know how I haven’t heard or read anything about this until they released the trailer for it. As soon as I started watching I realized that I no longer remember any of those books that I enjoyed so much as a kid. But it doesn’t matter because of how they decided to do the movie!

Here, I’ll just let you watch for yourself.

Isn’t that a really cool idea? I think so. And I’m excited. I won’t say that I’ll be seeing it in theaters because I probably won’t, but I still think this movie is a LONG time coming.

I also have a confession to make. On my About Me page I say that a book in the Crispin series was the first book I remember reading. And that’s a lie. Because I read so many books by R.L. Stine when I was younger that I couldn’t possibly come up with an exact number. I remember having stacks of those books lying all around the house. I remember ordering several of them at a time from book orders. Now that I really think about it, R.L Stine may be the author who helped me realize how much I enjoyed reading.

Maybe I will go see the movie after all that.

Are you looking forward to a Goosebumps movie? I am.

On this day in 2014 I published Ask Your Reader.


18 thoughts on “There’s Going to be a Goosebumps Movie

  1. It looks cute, and for the sake of book lovers I hope it does well, but I’ve never read any Goosebumps. I went straight from John Bellairs to Stephen King…by the time GB was a thing, I was already too old for it.


  2. I remember Goosebumps! I know I read a few books, but I don’t remember them specifically. There used to be a television series based on the books that I watched all the time 🙂


  3. Sweet Mother Teresa on the hood of a Mercedes-Benz. Jack Black in a Goosebumps movie?! Playing the role of an alleged psychotic and overprotective father (is he also playing R. L. Stine? I couldn’t tell.) Sign me up for like all the pre-order tickets!


  4. I didn’t hear about it until recently, either, but I probably won’t see it. As you know, I’m a big wuss when it comes to scariness, and those books, while not really scary for most of Stine’s young readership, I had nightmares and couldn’t finish a book. I know. I know. I’m a wimp. Maybe I’ll go back and read one or two of them.


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