I Have too Many Books

Not really.

But I’ve been buying more books than I’ve been reading lately. And now my TBR (to-be-read) shelf has way more books than ever before! Prior to now the most books I’d ever had on my TBR shelf at once was 21. At least that’s what I THINK the number was. But now I’m at 29! I know some people have way more than that, like stacks on stacks of books. But I don’t make it a habit of buying books and not reading them fairly soon. Because I don’t see the point of that.

But July was a bit of a perfect storm, I guess. Discovering Half Price Books AND getting the rest of the Potter series is just one of those things that likely won’t be happening again. So I’m not too worried about my ever growing TBR shelf of doom. HA! Just kidding. A Little.

Here’s what it looks like right now:

IMG_20150808_134138I’m starting to get the hang of Instagram. So if you like this, then follow me!

What’s your TBR shelf look like these days?


On this day in 2014 I published Writing as a Hobby.

26 thoughts on “I Have too Many Books

  1. I probably don’t need to answer that question since you know my list is still insanely long. However, I’m making a good dent in my TBR list since I’m not buying new books. Although I did just discover a Little Free Library literally four houses down from me and snagged a few books. But since they’re free and I’m going to donate back about six other books, I don’t think it’s too bad. Right? RIGHT!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t afford the habit I’m developing! My TBR pile these days is in the form of a holds queue at the local library. I only have a half dozen or so on my shelf, still waiting to be read. But with my reading challenge I’m doing, they’ll probably be picked up pretty soon!


  3. My budget is the only reason why I stopped buying books. though I some how can’t resists those $4 book shelves at places like Books A Million or Barnes & Noble. I rarely go in those place now because it’s too tempting. We have a place called 2nd & Charles which is the half-price cousin of Half Price Books and the little brother of Books A Million. I have to stay away from there, but there is a FREE bin on the side walk. My Goodreads TO READ shelf has over 100 books. I said that one summer I was gonna read every book on my shelf before I buy another one. Instead I go to the library every couple of weeks. I have a problem.


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