Final Proof Approved!

This is the first time that I’ve posted multiple posts during a single day, BUT I’ve never had greater news to report to you all! My first post this afternoon revealed that I finally received my final revised proof and it had but one single change that needed to be made. Well…it was made and I approved my final proof just minutes ago!

I was hoping to be able to complete the rest of the setup process but it turns out that there are still a couple of services that I wasn’t thinking about that still need to be taken care of before publication. I tried to find a timetable for these things but came up empty. It surely won’t be too long because even the major stuff has taken less than a week and the remaining items on the to-do-list are relatively minor.

This is it! If you’re ten percent as excited as I am then I’m not sure that you’re able to get through your work or school day. I apologize for that.

More updates to come!

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