Author Copy Shipped!


Ahhh! This makes me so happy! Be honest, you know you are too. And it looks like they are too!

I hadn’t anticipated receiving a physical copy for review. When I first started the process about a month ago I was given the option as to whether or not I wanted a physical or digital proof. I was given the same option upon submitting my manuscript for formatting, and both times I chose digital. I know, I know I should always inspect the physical proof because a computer screen can only show you so much, BUT a physical proof adds more than a week each time I need one. That’s too long.

Anyway, I’ve read every single word of the text and am confident that once I receive my copy that I’ll be approving it for sale very shortly thereafter. Let me repeat that for emphasis. I’LL BE APPROVING IT FOR SALE SHORTLY THEREAFTER! Remember a few posts ago when I talked about doing my whole happy dance, well….that time is coming! I might even record it for all to see. Just imagine a 21-year-old guy running around his house with a book in his hands and a giant smile plastered on his face. And then imagine that same guy singing and dancing too. And THEN imagine him going out front of his house and letting all the world know that he accomplished the task of writing and publishing a book. And THEN imagine him minutes later after the initial excitement and pleasure have worn off sitting alone on his bed with HIS book in his hands and maybe a tear making its way down his face. Well, maybe ten tears,

That’ll be me when I get my copy!

I cannot wait for some of you guys to read it.

This is it!

2 thoughts on “Author Copy Shipped!

  1. Hi Andrew – I have a book I’m proud of and thought I’d decided on a Print On Demand firm to go with but so much is changing so rapidly in this area. I want to approach this project with your obvious excitment but am having bad dreams about choosing the wrong company. Any words of advice please? I didn’t use a template to write the work so am worried about having to rewrite to a specific foramt.


    • First off, it’s John. But I’ll assume that you read one of my posts where I talked about my main character Andrew. So that’s no big deal.
      Second, I’d try to know all there is to know about whichever company you’re considering. I looked into a number of them and on their websites they seem to really pull you in, but then I’d look at their book sales and prices already on Amazon and the books would have two reviews (or less) and have a ranking at like four million. It was like they didn’t exist. Just spend a lot of time looking into the companies and decide what works for you. For me, I know I’m not going to make too much money from my first book, so that aspect is pretty nonexistent. I just want people reading my book.


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